University of Virginia Library

The .xcviij. Psalme.

Synge a newe songe vnto the Lord, for he hath wonders wrought.
By hys holy arme & owne strength health to him selfe he brought.
His health and his saluatiō, hath he made knowne and sene:
He hathe reueyled his iustice, before the heathens eien.
He hath had mynd of his mercie, & trueth towards Israell:
All the coastes of the earth haue sene, oure goddes saueynge health well.
All ye that dwell vpon the earth synge prayses to the Lorde:
Breake out in voyce and eke reioyce, & synge in musickes corde.
Synge to the Lord vpon the harppe syng Psalmes to your harppynge
Make swete noyse wyth trumpettes and shawmes, before the Lorde and kynge.
Let the sea and all thynges therin, geue out a sowndyng voyce.

Let all that dwell vpon the earth, in lyke maner reioyce.
Let the freshe waters clap wyth handes, as pleased wyth the thynge.
And let the mountaynes so reioyce, that they sease not to synge.
Let this be done before the Lord, because he is comeynge.
For he cometh to iudge the earth, and trye ech mans doynge
He shall iudge the rownde world I saye in right and equitie:
And all the people of the same, he shall rule faythfully.