University of Virginia Library

Charging of his loue as vnpiteous and louing other.

If amourous fayth, or if an hart vnfained
A swete languor, a great louely desire:
If honest will, kindled in gentle fire:
If long errour in a blinde mase chained,
If in my visage ech thought distayned:
Or if my sparkelyng voyce, lower, or hier,
Which fear and shame, so wofully doth tyre:
If pale colour, which loue alas hath stayned:
If to haue another then my self more dere,
If wailyng or sighyng continually,
With sorowfull anger fedyng busily,
If burnyng a farre of, and fre syng nere,
Are cause that by loue my selfe I stroy:
Yours is the fault, and mine the great annoy.