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The Poetical Works of John Skelton

principally according to the edition of the Rev. Alexander Dyce. In three volumes

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To my lady Elisabeth Howarde.

To be your remembrauncer, madame, I am bounde,
Lyke to Aryna, maydenly of porte,
Of vertu and konnyng the well and perfight grounde;
Whome dame Nature, as wele I may reporte,


Hath fresshely enbewtid with many a goodly sorte
Of womanly feturis, whos florysshyng tender age
Is lusty to loke on, plesaunte, demure, and sage:
Goodly Creisseid, fayrer than Polexene,
For to enuyue Pandarus appetite;
Troilus, I trowe, if that he had you sene,
In you he wolde haue set his hole delight:
Of all your bewte I suffyce not to wryght;
But, as I sayd, your florisshinge tender age
Is lusty to loke on, plesaunt, demure, and sage.