University of Virginia Library



Wurk as thow list my wrak, and frame thy face
to reuthe, to yre, to rancour, and disdayne;
my thoughts vnto suche wrongs gevs no more place
then does searocks vnto the Occean Mayne;
be as thow art and as thow wast remayne;
not as I was I am, for I am frie,
and sore ashaymed so long to serve in vayne,
but any gayne by bontethe or by fee.
I was a catiue slave to love and thee,
and humblye on thy plesour did abyde,
bot scorns the now as thow haste scoffed me,
and maister of my self doith dant thy pryde:
yea, lovles now I do my workes disclayme,
which for thy prayse I spent and to my schame.