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A FALLISH ODE. Not much of a story, but merely supposing what the last of the white hats might say.

We're fading fast away, Leary,
We vanish from the pave;
The doom has passed that we must fill
A fleeting fashion's grave;
The winds of autumn chill, Leary,
Destroy us flowers of spring,
And here I lie,—thrown careless by,—
An unregarded thing,
Thus glory has its day, Leary;
When summer suns were bright,
The reeking apex, comfort bent,
Found in us cool delight;
Alas! while we enjoyed, Leary,
The season's honors tall,
We little knew how fleetly flew
The hours toward our fall.


When Fashion dropt her “black,” Leary,
In summer's burning realm,
We were installed in favor then,—
The “white” then took the helm;
Well we the goddess served, Leary,
And ruled our little day;
Now “blacks” again resume their reign,
And we are “cast away.”
But, though we vanish now, Leary,
Time must reveal our might;
The summer's sun will strike a blow
To reinstate the white;
And when the heated poll, Leary,
In lurid beams shall melt,
Then shall our sway again have way,
Our influence be felt.