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Suggested by a mourning-locket, in which was painted a winged cherub, with the motto—“Je veille sur toi, ma mère!”

Je veille sur toi, ma mère!
I hear thy softest sigh of love,
I listen to thy lightest prayer,
And echo it above.
I see thee when, in lonely hour,
My semblance wins thy ready tear;
Thou canst not hear my spirit step,
But, mother! I am near!
When glowing morn the mountain treads
With foot of fire and dewy eye,
And dazzled seraphs veil their heads
Before the light on high,—
And when beneath my home of joy
The stars are smiling through the air,
Where angels roam on blest employ,
Je veille sur toi, ma mère!


While o'er thy wearied frame is shed
The welcome balm of soothing sleep,
Lightly o'er that belovéd head
My vigils still I keep!
Dost thou not see in visions fair,
A radiant being wander by,
And hear a soft voice murmuring there,
“My mother! it is I?”
And when above my early grave
Thy gentle spirit prays relief,
Feel'st thou no angel-plumage wave
Above thee in thy grief?
Je veille sur toi, ma mère!
Oh! still thy lost but happy boy
Is near thee, with thee everywhere,
In sorrow and in joy.
Forget not then, where'er thou art,
The promise-words that bless thy prayer,
But wear them in thy “heart of heart,”
“Je veille sur toi, ma mère!”