University of Virginia Library

Tuesday (Thursday) 26th. Septr. 1805

Set out early and proceeded on down the river to a bottom
opposit the forks of the river on the South Side and formed a
Camp. Soon after our arrival a raft Came down the N. fork
on which was two men, they came too, I had the axes distributed
and handled and men apotned. [apportioned] ready to
commence building canoes on tomorrow, our axes are Small
& badly calculated to build Canoes of the large Pine, Capt
Lewis Still very unwell, Several men taken Sick on the way


Page 89
down, I administered Salts Pils Galip, [jalap] Tarter emetic
&c. I feel unwell this evening, two Chiefs & their families
follow us and encamp near us, they have great numbers
of horses.[60] This day proved verry hot, we purchase fresh
Salmon of the Indians


According to Gass (pp. 205, 206), most of the warriors of this band had gone
to attack some tribe to the northwest of this village; they returned on the 27th, but
the white men, not having an interpreter, could learn but little of what they had