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Hymn 6.

[O God, Thy faithfulness I plead]

O God, Thy faithfulness I plead,
My present help in time of need,
My great Deliverer Thou;
Haste to mine aid, Thine ear incline,
And rescue this poor soul of mine,
I claim the promise now.
Thou wilt not leave me in the snare,
Tempted above what I can bear,
With no salvation nigh:
I may escape, Thou say'st I may;
I need not fall the tempter's prey,
I need not sin, and die.
For Thy own truth, and mercy sake,
Thou wilt with the temptation make
A way to' escape the sin:
Thou wilt in danger's latest hour
Show forth the greatness of Thy power,
And bring Thy succours in.


Where is the way? Ah! show me where?
That I the mercy may declare,
The power that sets me free:
How can I my destruction shun?
How can I from my nature run?
Answer, O God, for me.
One only way the erring mind
Of man, short-sighted man, could find
From inbred sin to fly;
Stronger than love (I fondly thought)
Death, only death, must cut the knot
Which love could not untie.
But Thou, my Lord, art rich in grace,
Thy love can find a thousand ways,
To foolish man unknown;
My soul upon Thy love I cast,
I rest me, till the storm is past,
Upon Thy love alone.
Thy faithful, wise, and mighty love
Shall every obstacle remove,
And make an open way;
Thy love shall burst the shades of death,
And bear me from the gulf beneath
To everlasting day.
Lord, I believe Thee true and good,
My only trust is in Thy blood;
I hear it speak for me;
And if my soul is in Thy hands,
And if Thy word for ever stands,
I shall not fall from Thee.