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January 18, 1889.
The Chalice Jesus raised, the Bread He brake,
Emperor, and ye his bishops of the East
Who share the Empire's, not the Church's feast,
At Peter's board demand not to partake
Until not less those Words which Jesus spake,
“Peter thou art: upon this Rock I build
My Church”—Creative Words in act fulfilled—
Ye take into your hearts for Jesus' sake.’
Thus wrote Hormisdas. Onward as a wind
That Spirit Divine Who o'er the waters moved
Wafted his legates saintly and approved:
Two thousand and five hundred bishops signed
The Pontiff's ‘Rule’ in Christ's own words confessed:
Died the revolt. That hour God's Church found rest.

See The Holy See and the Wanderings of the Nations, p. 167, by Thomas W. Allies, K.C.S.G.

Regula Fidei.