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Upon the stocks the first star-vessel waited.
The bright prow flashed and gleamed.
Within his soul the great Shipwright debated:
He doubted, and he dreamed.
“The ship is shaped. The masts and shrouds are ready:
Its Builder's work is o'er.
Soft river-waves around the gold bows eddy;
It yearns to quit the shore.
“Yet shall I launch it 'mid the wild commotion
Of the outer air and sea?
Can my star-ship withstand the fierce real ocean?
Will it steer back to me?


“When launched upon the seas of space exceeding
All measurement and bound,
Will it be lost? Will my star triumph, speeding
O'er depths no lead can sound?
“I hesitate. Shall I impart my being
To others, less than I?
Shall I send forth this star,—then watch it fleeing
Lone through the unkindred sky?
“The void is dark, and in the gloom is sweetness;
Safety for it, for me.
Shall I break up the lampless gloom's completeness,
Saying to the first star: ‘Be’?”
And then the Maker's soul within him reasoned:
“If, when I make a sun,
I deepen night; if good deeds must be seasoned
With evil, every one;
“If, when I send my winds to range the valleys
And breathe forth peace and bliss,
With passionate force they search the woods' green alleys,
And ravish when they kiss;


“If bluest waves must at the storm's hoarse bugle,
Arrayed in furious white,
Bay round the bows of labouring ships that struggle
Through the stupendous night;
“If, having made sweet love, divine and tender
And full of purest bloom,
Man must attack the flower, and mar its splendour,
And plant lust in its room;
“If woman, whom my thought would make resplendent,
Whom I would grandly mould,
Must change into man's slave, on man dependent,
And sell her love for gold;
“If this be so, let not my star-ship wrestle
With life and space and time!
Within some creek I had best lay up my vessel,
Nor risk the voyage sublime.”
So pondered God.—Then his resolve was taken.
(With what result, we know.)
God signalled with his hand,—with voice unshaken
Said to the first star: “Go.”