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Hymn 1.

Jesu help! Thou Sinner's Friend,
On Thee for help I call,
Send me speedy succour, send,
Or into hell I fall;
Now, even now Thine aid afford,
In pity to a sinner's cries,
Save me, or I perish, Lord,
My soul for ever dies.
See me in my last distress,
And run to rescue me,
Speak to all my passions peace,
O calm the troubled sea;
All my sin's abyss is stirr'd,
And high as heaven the billows rise;
Save me, &c.
Yes, without Thy help I must
Be swallow'd up in sin,
Lost I am, undone, and lost,
I have my hell within;
Self-condemn'd and self-abhorr'd,
I sink in dying agonies;
Save me, &c.
Dies a never-dying death,
If Thou Thy help delay,
Yawns the fiery gulf beneath,
And hell expects its prey,
Tophet is my just reward,
And always meets my blasted eyes;
Save me, &c.


Jesu, save me through Thy name,
No other hope I have,
Damn'd, for ever damn'd I am,
If Thou refuse to save;
But my trust is in Thy word,
On that alone my soul relies;
Save me, &c.
Helper of the helpless Thou,
The friendless sinner's Friend,
Lord, on Thee I surely now,
On Thee alone depend.
Wilt Thou suffer me to die,
Abandon'd in my last distress?
Jesus, answer to my cry,
And bid me go in peace.
Wilt Thou bid a sinner seek
Thy lovely face in vain?
Speak, the word of comfort speak,
And look me out of pain:
Bring Thy great salvation nigh,
My soul from inbred sin release;
Jesu, answer to my cry,
And bid me go in peace.
Blest for ever be the name
Of my redeeming Lord!
Lifted up once more I am,
I hear the pardoning word;
He could not Himself deny,
He gives my burden'd conscience ease,
Jesus answers to my cry,
And bids me go in peace.