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“O let the sorrowful sighing of the prisoners come before Thee: according to the greatness of Thy power, preserve Thou those that are appointed to die.” Psalm lxxix. 12. (P. B. V.)

O Thou that hangedst on the tree
Our curse and sufferings to remove,
Pity the souls that look to Thee,
And save us by Thy dying love.
Outcasts of men, to Thee we fly,
To Thee who wilt the worst receive;
Forgive, and make us fit to die;
Alas! we are not fit to live.
We own our punishment is just,
We suffer for our evil here,
But in Thy sufferings, Lord, we trust,
Thine, only Thine our souls can clear.
We have no outward righteousness,
No merits, or good works to plead;
We only can be saved by grace;
Thy grace will here be free indeed.
Save us by grace through faith alone,
A faith Thou must Thyself impart,
A faith that would by works be shown,
A faith that purifies the heart.
A faith that doth the mountains move,
A faith that shows our sins forgiven,
A faith that sweetly works by love,
And ascertains our claim to heaven.


This is the faith we humbly seek,
The faith in Thine all-cleansing blood;
That blood which doth for sinners plead
O let it speak us up to God!
Canst Thou reject our dying prayer,
Or cast us out who come to Thee?
Our sins ah! wherefore didst Thou bear!
Jesu, remember Calvary!
Number'd with the transgressors Thou,
Between the felons crucified,
Speak to our hearts, and tell us now
Wherefore hast Thou for sinners died!
For us wast Thou not lifted up,
For us a bleeding Victim made?
That we, the abjects we, might hope,
Thou hast for all a ransom paid.
O might we with our closing eyes
Thee in Thy bloody vesture see,
And cast us on Thy sacrifice:
Jesus, my Lord, remember me!
Thou art into Thy kingdom come:
I own Thee with my parting breath,
God of all grace, reverse my doom,
And save me from eternal death.
Hast Thou not wrought the sure belief
I feel this moment in Thy blood?
And am not I the dying thief?
And art not Thou my Lord, my God?
Thy blood to all our souls apply,
To them, to me Thy Spirit give,
And I, (let each cry out,) and I
With Thee in paradise shall live.