The whole Psalter translated into English Metre which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes |
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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||
Psalme. LXXIIII.
The Argument.
A sore complaint (here may) ye read,Agaynst Gods foes so vayne:
Which Christ his worde: and eke his flocke,
Pursue wyth myght and mayne,
Why art so far: O God (our God)For euer wylt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee)
O God (our Lord) thinke thou vpon: thy congregation dere,Of olde so strong: possest by thee: whom thou redemst so clere.
And thynke vpon the (chosen) lot: of thyne inheritaunce:
Of Syon mount: wherin thou dwelt: wyth thy good ordinaunce.
Of Syon mount: wherin thou dwelt: wyth thy good ordinaunce.
Lift vp in hast: thy feete (and handes) confound thy foe in face:How hath he stroyd: thy sanctuary: the seat of thy good grace?
Why art so far O God (our God)
For euer wilt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.)
For euer wilt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.)
Thy foes dyd rore (full hye) in pryde: in tyme of feastfull day:As conquest signes: in temple there: theyr banners did they splay.
Where he that once did (cut and) hew: a beame or sparre of wood:To beautifie: thy temple worke: was thought deuout and good.
But now they boast (and brag) herein: to pull all down to nought:To breake with mall: & eke wyth axe: the gates of caruers wrought
And yet art far: O God (our God)
For euer wilt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.)
For euer wilt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.)
Yea fyre (and flame) now haue they set: vpon thy holy place:They haue defylde: & cast to ground: ye house where dwelt thy grace
They sayd (in wrath) to stroy them quite: let vs in one consent:Gods houses thus: in all the land: they haue all wholy brent.
We (now can) see no wonted signes: there is no Prophet more:Not one wyth vs: of wisdom sage: to ease our bondage sore.
And yet art far: O God (our God)
For euer wylt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: against thy shepe,
Of pasture (as we be.)
For euer wylt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: against thy shepe,
Of pasture (as we be.)
How long O God: shall thus (in spite) the aduersary brayd.Thy house, thy feastes: thy fold deface: hys brags at thee be layd?
How long I say: shall he (so mad) thy holy name blaspheme,
For euer thus: hym shall we see: thy power so lyght to deme?
For euer thus: hym shall we see: thy power so lyght to deme?
Why than (O Lord) hold still thy handes: & winkst at this his spite?Thy hand draw out: of bosom soone: to stroy thy foes by myght.
Why art so far: O God (our God)
For euer wylt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy shepe,
Of pasture (as we be.)
For euer wylt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy shepe,
Of pasture (as we be.)
Yet God my kyng (and Lord) he is: of olde in yeares now gone:He health bestowd: on all the earth: himselfe doth it alone.
Thou didst deuyde the sea (as once) by myght of thy great hand:The Dragons heds: thou brakest in two: so drownd by sea & land.
Thou crushedst the head of Whales (I say) Leniathan so great:For thy dere flocke: thou madest hym meat: which was in desert set.
Then why art far from vs (O God)
For euer wilt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.)
For euer wilt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.)
Of stony rockes so (flinty) hard: thou broughtst out fluds & springsAnd so thou driedst: great waters vp: for all theyr gatheryngs.
The nyght & day: be thine (at will) thou spreadst both light & sunneThe sunne by day: to shyne so cleare: by nyght to shyne the Moone.
The costes of all: the earth (so wyde) thou dydst them place ful dueThou summer madest: and wynter both: eche other right to sue.
And yet art far: from vs (O God)
For euer wylt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.)
For euer wylt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.)
Remember this (in mynd) O Lord: thyne enmies how they vaunt,How folishly: the people haue: reuylde thy name a taunt.
Geue not thy turtels (sely) soule: to beast of cruell port:Forget not aye: the company: of thyne afflicted sort.
Behold thy pact: ones made (to vs) for darkenes pestilent:Is spred the earth: where theeues do dwell: both false and violent.
And yet art far from vs (O God)
For euer wilt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.
For euer wilt thou flee?
Why fumeth thy wrath: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.
O suffer not the poore (that is) contryte to feele a shame:But let the poore: and nedy soule: for helpe aye prayse thy name.
Ryse God (awake) and iudge thy cause: thy foe thou seest extreme:Beare still in mynde: hys vyle attempt: for daily he blasphemth.
Forget not thou the (ragyng voyce) the brags of all thy foes:Theyr boasting pryde: do mount alway: at thee theyr hatred goes.
O than be nye: O God (our God)
For euer do not flee?
And fume no more: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.)
For euer do not flee?
And fume no more: agaynst thy sheepe,
Of pasture (as we bee.)
The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||