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To Miss Sybil Corbet


Author of Animal Land, Sybil's Garden of Pleasant Beasts, and Epiotic Pcems.


[Red Book of Animal Stories.]

Sybil, the Beasts we bring to you
Are not so friendly, not so odd,
As those that all amazed we view,
The brutes created by your nod—
The Wuss, the Azorkon, and the Pod;
But then, our tales are true!
Fauna of fancy, one and all
Obey your happy voice, we know;
A garden zoological
Is all around where'er you go;
Mellys and Kanks walk to and fro,
And Didds attend your call.
We have but common wolves and bears,
Lion and leopard, hawk and hind,
Tigers and crocodiles and hares:
But yet they hope you will be kind,
And mark with sympathetic mind
These moving tales of theirs.