University of Virginia Library

HYMN 84.

[How sweet is Honey, and the Comb]

Psal. 110. 133. How sweet are thy words to my taste! yea, sweeter than Honey unto my mouth.

[The First Part.]

How sweet is Honey, and the Comb
In which Honey an found!
But, Lord, thy Word it doth live all,
Its sweetness does abound


Beyond all things, though ne're so sweet,
There's nothing can it show,
Nor set it forth unto its worth
Of things which are below:
Nothing with it can once compare,
O do but taste and try;
For none but such can ever tell
What good in it doth lye.
If you to Honey add such things
Which very bitter are,
The bitterness it doth take off,
Nay sweet it doth appear
Unto the taste; so if you do
With great afflictons meet,
If God a Promise gives to you,
The tryal will be sweet.
But though Honey so sweet is found,
Yet some do it not love;
So none do find God's Word most sweet,
But those born from above.

The Second Part.

For the full stomach oft doth loath
Thee Honey-Comb so sweet;
So carnal [illeg.] count God's Word
As poor and sorry Meat.


Honey is of a purging kind,
God's Word it purges so,
It doth make clean both Heart and Mind,
The Life and Lip also.
O then be like the pretty Bee
Which doth industriously
From ev'ry Flower she can see
Her self store with Honey.
And now ye Saints who sweetness find
In God's most blessed Word,
Sing forth his Praise with joyful Mind
Joyntly with one accord..