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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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LXXXIV. Numbers, Chap. XXIV.

Balaam blesses Israel. He Prophesies of Christ, the Assyrians, and Romans, &c.

When Balaam found his Charms had no Success,
But his own Israel God resolv'd to bless;
Delusive Auguries he sought no more
Nor follow'd curs'd Enchantments as before:
Another Spi'rit had seiz'd the alter'd Sage,
And swell'd his Bosom with diviner Rage:
Fierce Balak's Anger he does now disdain,
(His Golden Promises alike in vain,)
And thus of all the World the distant Fates explain.
“How goodly, Jacob! are thy Tents! how fair!
“They with the fertile Valleys may compare;
“Or Gardens richly deck'd with Nature's Pride,
“Whole Verdant Trees by some fair River's Side
“Like Cedars Tall in comely Order grow,
“And view their Branches in the Streams below:
“Beyond a Mortal's Skill their vast Design,
“The Model and the Structure all divine.
“To me th'Almighty has his Will declar'd;
“What Visions have I seen, what Wonders heard?
“Far off I see a radiant Star arise,
“And with new wond'rous Light adorn the Skies:
“The Orient shall his fated Empire gain,
“Of Jacob's Race the Great Messiah reign:
Moab and all the Heathen Lands his Prey,
“The spacious Globe shall his Commands obey.


Thy Sons, Proud Amalek! he next surveys
In Canaan's Southern Bounds, and thus he says.
“Of all the Nations Thou didst first declare
“Against God's Favourite People impious War:
“Too weak thy Arms, unequal this Debate,
“Ruin, eternal Ruin is thy Fate.
To Jethro's Offspring next he turns his Eyes:
“Strong is thy Dwelling Place, thy choice is wise;
“Happy Exchange, he says; yet all in vain,
“Thy Doom at length to wear Proud Asher's Chain:
“Ah who shall live that sees that luckless Day!
“Yet worse behind! behold the Western Sea
“Cover'd with Ships, whence Chittims' Offspring come,
“And thy renowned Sons, O future Rome!
Ashur must fall, and Heber strives in vain,
“For so the strong Decrees of Fate ordain:
“Nor shall their haughty Victor long survive;
“Empire, like Men, their stated Periods live:
“Eternal Rome must die, her Reign is o'r,
“Tumbling from her proud Hills she falls to rise no more.