University of Virginia Library

ODE To be performed by Dr. Brettle, and a Chorus of Hales-owen Citizens.

The Instrumental Part, a Viol d' Amour.

AIR by the Doctor.

Awake! I say, awake good people!
And be for once alive and gay;
Come let's be merry; stir the tipple;
How can you sleep,
Whilst I do play? how can you sleep, &c.


CHORUS of Citizens.

Pardon, O! Pardon, great musician!
On drowsy souls some pity take!
For wond'rous hard is our condition,
To drink thy beer,
Thy strains to hear;
To drink,
To hear,
And keep awake!

SOLO by the Doctor.

Hear but this strain—'twas made by Handel,
A wight of skill, and judgment deep!
Zoonters they're gone—Sal, bring a candle—
No, here is one, and he's asleep.


Soft music.
—How cou'd they go
Whilst I do play?

Warlike music.
—How cou'd they go?
How shou'd they stay?