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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Anno Augusti lvijo & gracie xvo.

This ȝer deghet Octauiain
the worthy emperour of Rome,
puysnet as mony before hauen,
and of his wif þat wenym come.
This lord so wel beloued was
wiht al naciouns, nys no nay,
that was neuer noon had such grace
with stronge and couthe, al in gode fay.
ffor men of Inde fer in the est
that know neuer route ther before,
senden hym tribut most and lest,
so deden thay to no nother ȝore.
Summe kenges from hor remmes went
and habit of Rome token hom opon
to kepe hys bridul wihit gode entent
in worscip of that worthy mon.
To senatoures he was benigne,
to tho tha[t] louet studfast ay,
to cacche loue ful straunge and digne,
ther-as loued he went neuer away.


In lettrur he was excellent,
for al the seuen ars cuthe he,
of speche was none in londe lent
that hade suche schowyng, leue ȝe me,
Was neuer day from hom schuld pass
that he nold rede or elles write
or elles occupiet he was
of grete materes forto dispuyte.