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The Poetical Works of John Skelton

principally according to the edition of the Rev. Alexander Dyce. In three volumes

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To the ryght noble Countes of Surrey.
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To the ryght noble Countes of Surrey.

After all duly ordred obeisaunce,
In humble wyse as lowly as I may,
Vnto you, madame, I make reconusaunce,
My lyfe endurynge I shall both wryte and say,
Recount, reporte, reherse without delay
The passynge bounte of your noble astate,
Of honour and worshyp which hath the formar date:
Lyke to Argyua by iust resemblaunce,
The noble wyfe of Polimites kynge;


Prudent Rebecca, of whome remembraunce
The Byble makith; with whos chast lyuynge
Your noble demenour is counterwayng,
Whos passynge bounte, and ryght noble astate,
Of honour and worship it hath the formar date.
The noble Pamphila, quene of the Grekis londe,
Habillimentis royall founde out industriously;
Thamer also wrought with her goodly honde
Many diuisis passynge curyously;
Whome ye represent and exemplify,
Whos passynge bounte, and ryght noble astate,
Of honour and worship it hath the formar date.
As dame Thamarys, whiche toke the kyng of Perce,
Cirus by name, as wrytith the story;
Dame Agrippina also I may reherse
Of ientyll corage the perfight memory;
So shall your name endure perpetually,
Whos passyng bounte, and ryght noble astate,
Of honour and worship it hath the formar date.