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Rvbbe, and A great Cast

Epigrams. By Thomas Freeman

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Epigram. 86. In Gualterum.
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Epigram. 86. In Gualterum.

My schoole-fellow, and my old friend Gualter,
Could read the A B C, Primer, and the Psalter
None more distinctly, none could reade it better,
And now I heare he doth scarce know a letter;
His marriage, and his wanton Wife men gesse,
haue wrought in him this strange forgetfulnesse:
If that be all, doubtlesse he will recouer,

If so be she will do but her endeuour:
And as shee hurt him shee can help him too,
Or make him learne his Horne-booke o're anew.