![]() | A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ![]() |
Europes Shine
And now I'le bridge the Hellespont into
Thy Quarters, Europe, and some Beams that grow
On thy best Doctors binde in sheaves and show
Them as they shine.
Thy Quarters, Europe, and some Beams that grow
On thy best Doctors binde in sheaves and show
Them as they shine.
These times are leane. Thrace the imperiall soile
Yields but a few whose note is worth the while,
Constantinoples glory wanes, greate spoile
Makes it decline
Yields but a few whose note is worth the while,
Constantinoples glory wanes, greate spoile
Makes it decline
True Macedonius a shining starr
Gives rayes of Pious Zeale that dart out far
In holy Life, yet with him times do jar,
The Emperor
Gives rayes of Pious Zeale that dart out far
In holy Life, yet with him times do jar,
The Emperor
Creats him griefe, doth banish him, and then
At Gangra doth by hands of Wicked men
Let out his blood so stains his Diadem
Bold venturer!
At Gangra doth by hands of Wicked men
Let out his blood so stains his Diadem
Bold venturer!
And for the rest, botches of Pride and Sin,
I overpass till Men as did come in,
A man of Piety and worthy kin,
Yet Agathon
I overpass till Men as did come in,
A man of Piety and worthy kin,
Yet Agathon
Romes Prelate did him dub with whom he Calls
A Concill and on many bishops falls
Doth Excommunicate them plucks off Palls
Away begon.
A Concill and on many bishops falls
Doth Excommunicate them plucks off Palls
Away begon.
Eusebius sat at Thessalonica
At Erineus that town of Thessalia
Secundus did the holy word display
And John did sweep
At Erineus that town of Thessalia
Secundus did the holy word display
And John did sweep
Larissa's Chair from dust, in Epirus
Philip and Zeno, and at Corinthus
Adrian and Anastase; things ran thus
May make eyes weep
Philip and Zeno, and at Corinthus
Adrian and Anastase; things ran thus
May make eyes weep
And passing on to Italy, the Chair
Imperio-papall which all golden were
At Rome this Century did all besmere
With fifteen strings
Imperio-papall which all golden were
At Rome this Century did all besmere
With fifteen strings
These Anastase the second did begin
And Gregory the Greate did close their rings
The worst of all before; yet best therein
Of th'afterlings
And Gregory the Greate did close their rings
The worst of all before; yet best therein
Of th'afterlings
In Campany Benit the seconds rayes
Of Piety beatify the Dayes
Of Whom Totila sought to make a blaze
But had not power
Of Piety beatify the Dayes
Of Whom Totila sought to make a blaze
But had not power
Constantius of the Aquine Church was made
The Bishop who Prophetickly is said
Endowed was when that the Sword and Plague
Did them devour
The Bishop who Prophetickly is said
Endowed was when that the Sword and Plague
Did them devour
Germanus gave Angelick Light Divine
Made Lapua's golden Candlestick to shine
Lucana's Church drank of Frigidian's wine
Made Lapua's golden Candlestick to shine
Lucana's Church drank of Frigidian's wine
One Marcelline a Cripple did attende
At Nursia Sanctulus his beams did send
Out wonder working force. Andrew did lend
Help to Fundane.
At Nursia Sanctulus his beams did send
Out wonder working force. Andrew did lend
Help to Fundane.
Canusa's Church did ware Sabinu's rayes
And Beneventa's had Barbatus blaze
Who did Convert the Lombards in those dayes
Who though baptizd.
And Beneventa's had Barbatus blaze
Who did Convert the Lombards in those dayes
Who though baptizd.
Ador'd Trees, idolls, golden viper which
He Cut down and their golden Vipers fix
Into a golden Cup, they leave their tricks
Better advisde
He Cut down and their golden Vipers fix
Into a golden Cup, they leave their tricks
Better advisde
I'le Cross the Alps and into France I'le goe
And pick some flowers that in its meadows grow
And here Millain produceth Datius who
When he to foile
And pick some flowers that in its meadows grow
And here Millain produceth Datius who
When he to foile
His persecutors in his journey great
Unto Constantinople had his seate
At Corinth in an house that was repleate
With Spirits vile,
Unto Constantinople had his seate
At Corinth in an house that was repleate
With Spirits vile,
Who being told hereof, repli'de, therefore
It ought to be inhabited the more,
Seing they outed men from't, ope's the doore
And entrance made,
It ought to be inhabited the more,
Seing they outed men from't, ope's the doore
And entrance made,
Datius asleep, the Divell roaring falls
Like swine and Lions. He wakt on him calls
Well fare thou wretch. For thou delightst to gall's
And thus hast said
Like swine and Lions. He wakt on him calls
Well fare thou wretch. For thou delightst to gall's
And thus hast said
I'le set my throne above the north star bright,
And will be like to the Almighty Might,
Loe, by thy pride art made Ass like and like
To filthy swine
And will be like to the Almighty Might,
Loe, by thy pride art made Ass like and like
To filthy swine
When thou to God wouldst not obedient bee.
Whereat the fiend Confounded, way goes hee.
His house an habitation now men see
Of better shine.
Whereat the fiend Confounded, way goes hee.
His house an habitation now men see
Of better shine.
Trevers now glories in Clycetius bright,
Born with a Priestly Mitre and his like
Nicetius with a Cross endowd with light
Of Prophesy.
Born with a Priestly Mitre and his like
Nicetius with a Cross endowd with light
Of Prophesy.
He saw by night God on an high mount stand
And's Angells in watch towers and one to hand
A Book and cited severall French kings and
Plainly discry
And's Angells in watch towers and one to hand
A Book and cited severall French kings and
Plainly discry
And said this so long lives and so long that:
Foretells Change that to the realm should hap
The other Angells said amen hereat
At each kings name
Foretells Change that to the realm should hap
The other Angells said amen hereat
At each kings name
This Vision was fulfill'd its said. Still he
The King Lotharius grown wicked, see,
An Excommunicate doth make to bee.
He's grown profane.
The King Lotharius grown wicked, see,
An Excommunicate doth make to bee.
He's grown profane.
Massilia did Serenus Bishop make
Who their adored images all brake
And soused was by Gregory the Great
With butter'd lips
Who their adored images all brake
And soused was by Gregory the Great
With butter'd lips
Praysing his Zeale, but yet withall doth fling
Its one thing t'worship pictures, 'n'other thing
To learn by Pictures whom to worship, sting
With Rosy slips.
Its one thing t'worship pictures, 'n'other thing
To learn by Pictures whom to worship, sting
With Rosy slips.
At Pictoirs Fortunatus who was fed
With his Poetick fats, was bishoped,
Alcimus at Vienna's Church out spred
His pious rayes
With his Poetick fats, was bishoped,
Alcimus at Vienna's Church out spred
His pious rayes
Gregory of Tours that greate Historian
Was bishop there (too fabulous a man
As well as others) Now Pretextate won
The Gospell bayes.
Was bishop there (too fabulous a man
As well as others) Now Pretextate won
The Gospell bayes.
He bishop of Rothomagenians was
Gainst whom Chilpericks kingly wrath did flash,
But Fredigund the Queen it brought to pass
Tills blood decayes,
Gainst whom Chilpericks kingly wrath did flash,
But Fredigund the Queen it brought to pass
Tills blood decayes,
Holy Germanus streams his gracious Call
Angelickly at Paris, Chilprick shall
Who scorner was of Bishops, Cover all
His tomb with prayse.
Angelickly at Paris, Chilprick shall
Who scorner was of Bishops, Cover all
His tomb with prayse.
Our Scullers now shall cut the Rhine to eye
What holy fruites appeare in Germany
Which are but thin, Upon whose brinke we spy
Columban win
What holy fruites appeare in Germany
Which are but thin, Upon whose brinke we spy
Columban win
Bavarians and the Veneds to the Faith
Rupertus strives to gain still, but he hath
No good success at first, again assaith
And doth the thing.
Rupertus strives to gain still, but he hath
No good success at first, again assaith
And doth the thing.
He lai'th the stone of the Danubean fold
And Churches on the Rhine, and Worms did hold
What he began. Moguntia honour should
And Churches on the Rhine, and Worms did hold
What he began. Moguntia honour should
Carentius pious learning did display,
In Agrippine: Solmus, Simeneus stay
Remedius too at Colen, and make day
Shine on them thus.
In Agrippine: Solmus, Simeneus stay
Remedius too at Colen, and make day
Shine on them thus.
Now ore the Apinine I'le take my flight
To Spain: and here I on Chrysanthus light
Who many of Spoleto makes Contrite
From Idolls run.
To Spain: and here I on Chrysanthus light
Who many of Spoleto makes Contrite
From Idolls run.
Gallicia wareth Martines glorious rayes:
Leontius shewth in Portugall Christs wayes
Severe in the Vale Interorm Displayes
The Gospell Sun.
Leontius shewth in Portugall Christs wayes
Severe in the Vale Interorm Displayes
The Gospell Sun.
I'le slice the narrow Seas, to England run
And see its shine made by the Gospell Sun
And here it is as bright as (when we've done
You'l say)'s else where.
And see its shine made by the Gospell Sun
And here it is as bright as (when we've done
You'l say)'s else where.
Dubrick a famous man on th'Wey in Wales
Then was Chiefe Bishop of the Welch, assailes
With Crowns Victer and Arthur too, and sayls
To Glory Cleare
Then was Chiefe Bishop of the Welch, assailes
With Crowns Victer and Arthur too, and sayls
To Glory Cleare
Eliud Bishop at Landaff did send
Such Zealous beam of Grace as did contend
Against their Luxury, unless they mend
Their Lives, he said
Such Zealous beam of Grace as did contend
Against their Luxury, unless they mend
Their Lives, he said
He should upon the kingdom ruin bring
He dide for age; and Odocy did him
Succeed. Caer Laons Church did Paul bring in
And Bishop made.
He dide for age; and Odocy did him
Succeed. Caer Laons Church did Paul bring in
And Bishop made.
Melkin at Glastenbury shone indeed
A Prophet, 'Stronomer, and much did read
Of Geometry, did ware a Prophets weed
And did foreshow
A Prophet, 'Stronomer, and much did read
Of Geometry, did ware a Prophets weed
And did foreshow
The Restoration of the English Realm
And of the true Religion at its helmn
At last, though sorrows great did it orewhelm
As all men know.
And of the true Religion at its helmn
At last, though sorrows great did it orewhelm
As all men know.
Daniel an holy, learned man up rose
At Bangor was the first of Bishops chose
With Dubrick, and with David quite orethrows
At Bangor was the first of Bishops chose
With Dubrick, and with David quite orethrows
Sampson an holy man had Dubricks seat
At Menew and a Cup of poyson great
Drank yet not hurt. Grace did indeed defeate
The poyson given.
At Menew and a Cup of poyson great
Drank yet not hurt. Grace did indeed defeate
The poyson given.
Ethbine an holy man and learnd indowd
With gift of Healing as in Authors shewd
Iltute of Morgan learning great persude
Told future things.
With gift of Healing as in Authors shewd
Iltute of Morgan learning great persude
Told future things.
Elvodugus of noble rank was chose
Rector of Banchors learned Colledge whose
Learnd pious upright Life so worthy shows
It sweetly rings.
Rector of Banchors learned Colledge whose
Learnd pious upright Life so worthy shows
It sweetly rings.
Gildas Badonick whose rich piety
Strikes through the loins of Sin most faithfully
Whose sermons shew Gods Vengeance out doth fly
At all for Sins.
Strikes through the loins of Sin most faithfully
Whose sermons shew Gods Vengeance out doth fly
At all for Sins.
That Pears and Bishops, Moncks and Clergy were
The Vant Guard of all Wicked acts, hence there
They're plagued by Saxons, now from Banchor steers
To Glory Swims
The Vant Guard of all Wicked acts, hence there
They're plagued by Saxons, now from Banchor steers
To Glory Swims
Now David Noth, Earls Xanth's brave son up sprang
Learn'd, Lovely, Proper, Pious, and out ran
Four Cubits high, Bishop Menevian
Ordained was,
Learn'd, Lovely, Proper, Pious, and out ran
Four Cubits high, Bishop Menevian
Ordained was,
Which ever since is of his name the Heire,
Saint Davids, and he made Pelagians bare
By dayly Preachings and Disputes full fair
That now did pass.
Saint Davids, and he made Pelagians bare
By dayly Preachings and Disputes full fair
That now did pass.
He is Chiefe Chair man in the Synod Calld
Through all the Nation. Arthur him installd
The Bishop then at Menew as it falld
To be in need.
Through all the Nation. Arthur him installd
The Bishop then at Menew as it falld
To be in need.
Wherein his holy sweat did issue out
Till seven scoare years and five were wheeld about
And then his glass was emtied, soule flew out,
Death's day's decreed.
Till seven scoare years and five were wheeld about
And then his glass was emtied, soule flew out,
Death's day's decreed.
Brave Kentigern a Pict king Loth's grand Child
Whose pious Zeale so worthily up boild
He taught the Gospell Grace most richly stild
Salvation cleare
Whose pious Zeale so worthily up boild
He taught the Gospell Grace most richly stild
Salvation cleare
To Brittains all, all Scotland, Orkney iles,
Converted many and Confutes the Wiles
Pelagius broachd, inricht with grace these soiles,
What man is here?
Converted many and Confutes the Wiles
Pelagius broachd, inricht with grace these soiles,
What man is here?
Was Bishop at the Elve in Wales, foretold
That God to such that knew not God them would
Deliver up, the iland emptide should
By Pagans bee.
That God to such that knew not God them would
Deliver up, the iland emptide should
By Pagans bee.
Christs Cause should shatterd bee till th'set time springs,
Then to a better state Gods grace it brings:
When ninescore five yeares old his Death's bell rings
At Glasco's glee.
Then to a better state Gods grace it brings:
When ninescore five yeares old his Death's bell rings
At Glasco's glee.
He had Resign'd his Elwy Office o're
To Asaph his Choice Scholar years before
Who with the flocks Consent's Ordaind therefore
And Christ doth preach
To Asaph his Choice Scholar years before
Who with the flocks Consent's Ordaind therefore
And Christ doth preach
And worthily, yet noted is as first
Who Rome's annointing had (this was the Worst)
His seat doth heir his name, its in it nurst,
As stories teach.
Who Rome's annointing had (this was the Worst)
His seat doth heir his name, its in it nurst,
As stories teach.
Theon was bishop now of London who
Too much respect to Relicks sure did do
Though not to worship them, he thought not so,
Yet did them keepe.
Too much respect to Relicks sure did do
Though not to worship them, he thought not so,
Yet did them keepe.
Anonymus a learned man did shine,
Searcht much the Cause why God the Saxon line
Did make their Scourge, and made his pen Divine
Into it peep.
Searcht much the Cause why God the Saxon line
Did make their Scourge, and made his pen Divine
Into it peep.
Choice Dionote at Avon a Divine
Profound, in learning, and his sermons shine
With pious streams Rector of th'Colledge thine
Oh! Banchor where
Profound, in learning, and his sermons shine
With pious streams Rector of th'Colledge thine
Oh! Banchor where
Two thousand and an hundred students 'bide
Which sucking of his breast he did divide
In seven ranks as their greate Churches wide
Were seven there.
Which sucking of his breast he did divide
In seven ranks as their greate Churches wide
Were seven there.
And though they calld were Moncks they properly
Were scholars fitting for Christs Ministry.
He also Austin very worthily
With learning greats
Were scholars fitting for Christs Ministry.
He also Austin very worthily
With learning greats
Opposed in the English Synod, tite
Who strove to bring them ore with all his might
Against their former customs, to Romes rites
And huffing seate.
Who strove to bring them ore with all his might
Against their former customs, to Romes rites
And huffing seate.
Brenden did sprinckle Gospell light all ore
Scotland and Ireland too from shore to shore
Rector of full three thousand students: bore
A seven years sayle.
Scotland and Ireland too from shore to shore
Rector of full three thousand students: bore
A seven years sayle.
And found the Ilands called Fortunate,
Dagane another learn'd a pious mate
Opposed Austin, and his Romish state
And did not quale.
Dagane another learn'd a pious mate
Opposed Austin, and his Romish state
And did not quale.
Patrick arose Scotlands Chiefe Bishop and
Spent twenty years Converting Ireland,
Reported is as pious up to stand
Apostle theirs.
Spent twenty years Converting Ireland,
Reported is as pious up to stand
Apostle theirs.
And in these instances you see the gleames
Of Graces sunshine through this Centry streams
Although more dim than were the former beams
They fill the spheres.
Of Graces sunshine through this Centry streams
Although more dim than were the former beams
They fill the spheres.
![]() | A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ![]() |