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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[I am wo for thir wolfis sa wylde]

[I am wo for thir wolfis sa wylde]

I am wo for thir wolfis sa wylde,
Quhilk neuer will conuert,
Thair fals indurit hart,
Sa lang the warld thay haue begylde,
And baneist vs from Iesus Christ.
Greit cause thay haue for till repent,
Ȝit will thay nocht do so,
Nowther for weill nor wo,
Thair blindit mynde can nocht consent,
That we ar onlie sauit be Christ.


Thair subtill slychtis, now ar spyit,
Be Christ the veritie:
Thair fals Hypocresie,
Throw all the warld, is now outtryit.
Quhairwith thay baneist vs fra Christ.
Thay brint, and heryit Christen men,
And flemit thame full far.
And said thay did bot erre.
That spak of the Commandementis ten,
Or red the word of Iesus Christ.
Heretykis thay did vs call,
Cursand vs nicht and day,
The treuth durst na man say.
Trew Preichouris war forbiddin all{,}
To schaw the word of Iesus Christ.
Thay baneist thame in vncouth land,
Full mony hunder myle,
Quhair thay in thair exile.
Leirnit better till vnderstand,
The trew word of Iesus Christ,
Nobill Lordis of greit renowne,
That fauouris the treuth,
On ȝour Saulis haue reuth,
And put thir Antichristis downe,
Quhilk wald suppres the word of Christ,
Under cullour of commounweill,
Thair cloikit subteltie,
And with greit crueltie,


Efter thay think to slay and keill,
All that confes the word of Christ.
For sa thay think to bleir ȝour E,
And syne at ȝow to hount,
And do as thay war wount,
And will exerce thair Tyrannie
On ȝow, and all that luiffis Christ.
Scotland was neuer, in harder case,
Sen Fergus first it wan,
The Preistis we may sair ban:
Quhilk hes the wyte, that brak the peace,
For to put downe the word of Christ.
Ane hundreth thousand thay wald se,
Ȝockit in till ane feild,
Under thair speir and scheild,
Bot with the wyfis thay wald be,
At hame to sinir the word of Christ.
Defend na mair thir wolfis sa wylde,
Sa full of cruelnes,
Thair clolkit halynes,
Baith men and wyfis, sa lang hes sylde,
And ar the verray Antichristis.