The Minor Poems of John Lydgate edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken |
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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||
Hayle luminary & benigne lanterne,Of Ierusalem the holy ordres nyne,
As quene of quenes laudacion eterne
They yeue to thee, O excellente virgyne!
Eclypsyd I am, for to determyne
Thy superexcellence of Cantica canticorum,
The aureat beames do nat in me shyne,
Aue regina celorum!
Hayle! verray Mater misericorde,And peereles Pryncesse of excellence,
Of aungelles aloft pray Sol iusticie,
Thy swete son of most magnificence,
That no perylous plage of pestilence,
Syth thow art laus Apostolorum,
Entyr in Englond, thy dower with reuerence,
Aue regina celorum!
Hayle! holy maydyn, modyr and wyfe,That brought Israell out of captyuyte,
As sterre of Iacob by a prerogatyfe
With the blessyd bawme of thy virginite,
The holyest roote that sprang out of Iesse,
Prymrose of plesaunce, callyd flos florum,
Thou were tryacle ageyn olde antiquite,
Aue regina celorum!
Hayle! gloryous lady, O. Rosa marina,Whyche hast fostryd lying in thy lappe
Tetragramaton, that fed vs with Manna,
Of leuiathan mawgre the sleyghty trappe,
To thys worlde a lyghte sprong ys from thy lappe,
With virginall mylke vt castitas lilium,
So lyst the Holygost in the hys wynges wrappe,
Aue regina celorum!
Hayle! fayrest and fresshe of consolacion,Vs to conduct by the pathe of paradyse,
Aboue all women, without comparyson,
Of bewte be thow, blessyd floure delise,
A dew diamant, most precyous of pryse,
As Gabryell seyd Dominus tecum,
O myrrour of mekenes most prudent & wyse
Aue regina celorum!
Hayle! condute of comfort, with watyr crystall,Perpetually our peynes to wasshe & repell,
Geyue sorow of sekenes, o sugor celestiall,
Pese, victory, & grace graunt with vs to dwell,
Pray gentyll Iesu, of mercy the welle,
To blysse aboue that we may all come,
Where more ioy ys then tung may telle
Aue regina celorum!
The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||