Comoedia A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?] |
I. |
I. |
II. |
III. |
VI. |
VII. |
A. |
IX. |
X. |
XI. |
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
XII. |
The XVII Chapter.
Comoedia | ||
my heart cannot reioyce, nor any may be mery,
Because that Men thus sitt, in Good-thinkings Generacion.
And that one doth worke another, great Wrong and Uexacion.
About Knowledg, which they drawe to them boldly, not shrinking:
For in that maner/through ye polluted Worke of Good-thinking,
Almost all Men ; with Knowledg; are mightely vexed now/
And which Good thinkings Spirit/as each Heart doth gesse and alow.
Because that Men thus sitt, in Good-thinkings Generacion.
And that one doth worke another, great Wrong and Uexacion.
For in that maner/through ye polluted Worke of Good-thinking,
Almost all Men ; with Knowledg; are mightely vexed now/
And which Good thinkings Spirit/as each Heart doth gesse and alow.
Wherthrough I do note ; by thy Speech, sence thou didst beginne;
That they are all deceaued, through their Wicked Sinne:
For now, one man easely perceaue, by marking these things/
That Good-thinking hath gotten almost all, vnder his Wings/
Both Lay people and Clerks, in my simple Discerning.
But Now I wonder at this ; which I aske thee for my learning;
How the Man shall be gloryfyed, with his God agayne:
Uouchsafe yet to instruct me therof.
That they are all deceaued, through their Wicked Sinne:
For now, one man easely perceaue, by marking these things/
That Good-thinking hath gotten almost all, vnder his Wings/
Both Lay people and Clerks, in my simple Discerning.
But Now I wonder at this ; which I aske thee for my learning;
How the Man shall be gloryfyed, with his God agayne:
Uouchsafe yet to instruct me therof.
The XVII Chapter.
Comoedia | ||