University of Virginia Library


O God of Truth and Grace; the Truth through which freedom comes,
the Grace to which alone and ever we must look for help.

The years that are past are rendered illustrious by Thy mercies. The
paths we have trodden have opened to our advancing steps, and have given
new visions of Thy greatness and Thy glory, new experiences of Thy wisdom
and Thy love. As we look back through the vista of the past we are grateful
for Thy mercies. As we look forward to the coming years we are cheered by


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We thank Thee for the prevision which planned this great Institution;
for the wisdom which laid its foundations; for the skill which reared its
walls; for the resoluteness which marked its construction; for the noble
purpose which threw wide open its doors for its splendid educational

We thank Thee that by Thy kind providence this Institution not only
has made real the great ideal of its honored founder, but in its development
and growth and achievement has surpassed even his beautiful dream.

As we look back through all Thy protecting care during these one hundred
years we are made profoundly grateful for the wonderful career and
extraordinary record of this University.

By Thy blessing it has been a Fountain of knowledge, where many
have refreshed themselves; a School of Training where many have been
fitted for life work; an Academy in the shades of which many have gathered
about its great teachers and have been enriched by their wisdom.

In Thy leading, to it youths have come in the glow of life's morning.
From it they have gone forth men, qualified and incited to do great deeds
and achieve great results. By Thy favor this Benign Mother has sent her
sons out from these sacred scenes with benefits and blessings from her hand
and heart.

They in turn by their successful and brilliant careers have rendered yet
more illustrious their Alma Mater.

Looking toward the future we invoke for this honored and beloved
University divine guidance. May all that has proved good in the past be
preserved. May all that is good in the keeping of the future be bestowed in
great fulness on this Institution.

May it ever stand for highest ideals, for accurate and extensive scholarship,
for truth and honor, for noblest character.

Bless the Board of Visitors with wisdom to guide its affairs. Bless the
Faculty that in every way they may meet their great responsibilities.

Bless the students of the past, present and future. May they as year
by year they go forth from this educational retreat, go forth in all the
glory of superb character to be an honor to the State, the Nation and the

Bless all the great educational institutions that by their distinguished
representatives have conveyed their salutations and congratulations to
this University on this Centennial of its life and work.

In the great partnership of intellectual life and work may this high art
of teaching and learning attain its noblest reach and broadest culture.
May supreme human culture ever delight to sit humbly at the feet of Him
who is Truth and who by the Truth makes Free.
