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O Blessed man that walks not in
th'advice of wicked men
Nor standeth in the sinners way
nor scorners seat sits in.
2 But he upon Jehovah's law
doth set his whole delight:
And in his law doth meditate
Both in the day and night.
3 He shall be like a planted tree
by water brooks, which shall
In his due season yield his fruit.
whose leaf shall never fall:
4 And all he doth shall prosper well.
The wicked are not so:
But they are like unto the chaff.
which wind drived to and fro.
5 Therefore shall no ungodly men
in judgement stand upright.
Nor in th'assembly of the just
shall stand the sinfull wight,
6 For of ye righteous men, ye LORD
acknowledgeth the way:
Whereas the way of wicked men
shall utterly decay.