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At Billy Miller's Circus-Show—
In their old stable where it's at—
The boys pays twenty pins to go,
An' gits their money's-worth at that!—
'Cause Billy he can climb and chalk
His stockin'-feet an' purt' nigh walk
A tight-rope—yes, an' ef he fall
He'll ketch, an' “skin a cat”—'at's all!
He ain't afeard to swing and hang
Ist by his legs!—an' mayby stop
An' yell “Look out!” an' nen—k-spang!—
He'll let loose, upside-down, an' drop
Wite on his hands! An' nen he'll do
“Contortion-acts”—ist limber through
As “Injarubber Mens” 'at goes
With shore-fer-certain circus-shows!
At Billy Miller's Circus-Show
He's got a circus-ring—an' they's
A dressin'-room,—so's he can go
An' dress an' paint up when he plays


He's somepin' else;—'cause sometimes he's
“Ringmaster”—bossin' like he please—
An' sometimes “Ephalunt”—er “Bare-
Back Rider,” prancin' out o' there!
An' sometimes—an' the best of all!—
He's “The Old Clown,” an' got on clo'es
All stripud,—an' white hat, all tall
An' peakud—like in shore-'nuff shows,—
An' got three-cornered red-marks, too,
On his white cheeks—ist like they do!—
An' you'd ist die, the way he sings
An' dances an' says funny things!