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Tennyson and other Memorial Poems by H. D. Rawnsley

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Lord Justice General Inglis.

AUGUST 20TH, 1891.
The corn was yellow by the Lowland braes,
The Highland heather purple on the hill,
When he our nation honoured for his skill,
And store of mellow wisdom, whom we praise
For justice and for judgment—strong to raise
A standard to reflect the Almighty's will,
Bowed his grey head, and fearing nothing ill
Bore to God's Hall of Judgment all his days
Of fulness and endeavour. Lead him in,
Ye powers of gentle innocence! Give place,
Ye angels sworn to righteousness! His mind
Cared for the moulding of a righteous race;
He judged men's deeds, to Heaven he left the sin,
And blessed with wise benevolence his kind.