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The Poems of Robert Fergusson

Edited by Matthew P. McDiarmid

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A Mournful Ditty from the Knight of Complaints


What should I do up town my business lies all in the Canongate


How blyth was I ilk day to see
Auchleck come tripping doun
His ain forestairs at Netherbow
To drink his dram at Noon


Oh the Shades the Caller Caller Shades
Where I have oft complaind
Till Luckies Bottle C.F.D.
Was to the bottom drain'd


I neither wanted drink nor dram
Whan Tam Dicks house was nigh
But now in Canongate I dwell
A dismal place and dry



Hard fate that I should banish'd be
Gang heavily and mourn
Because I lood the Warmest dram
That Eer in Mouth did burn


She brought a Gill sae Strong and Sweet
The Knights stood drouthy by
Even Pitcher Hume in dumbness gazd
He was so very dry


Our Bottle and the Little Stoup
That held our wee soup dram
Ye Thirsty Knights for Liquor Coup
I will not Care a Damn


Adiew ye Cooling Shades adiew
Fareweel my forenoons Gill
By Tam Dicks fire I'll Sitt no more
My Horrors all to kill