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If Merit only stamps my former Lays,
And those alone shall give me deathless Praise:
But if ev'n those have lost their bright Applause,
Why should I labour thus without a Cause?
For if great Jove or Fate would stretch our Span,
And give of Life a double Share to Man,
One Part to Pleasures and to Joy ordain,
And vex the other with hard Toil and Pain;


With sweet Complacence we might then employ
Our Hours, for Labour still enhances Joy.
But since of Life we have but one small Share,
A Pittance scant which daily Toils impair,
Why should we waste it in Pursuit of Care?


Why do we labour to augment our Store,
The more we gain, still coveting the more?
Alas! alas! we quite forget that Man
Is a mere Mortal, and his Life a Span.