Poems on Several Occasions With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures |
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Poems on Several Occasions | ||
EPILOGUE. Spoken by Mr. MILLS at the QUEEN's Theatre, on his Benefit-Night, February 16, 1709; a little before the DUKE of MARLBOROUGH's going for Holland.
Whether our Stage all others does excellIn Strength of Wit, we'll not presume to tell:
But this, with Noble, Conscious Pride, we'll say,
No Theatre such Glories can display;
Such Worth conspicuous, Beauty so divine,
As in One British Audience mingled shine.
Who can, without Amazement, turn his Sight,
And mark the Awful Circle here to Night?
Warriors, with ever-living Laurels, brought
From Empires Sav'd, from Battles bravely fought,
Here sit; whose matchless Story shall adorn
Scenes yet unwrit, and charm e'en Ages yet unborn.
Yet who would not expect such Martial Fire,
That sees what Eyes those Gallant Deeds inspire?
Valour and Beauty still were Britain's Claim,
Both are her great Prerogatives of Fame;
By both the Muses live, from both they catch their Flame.
Our envy'd Isle thro' EUROPE spreads her Light,
And rising Honours ev'ry Year sustain,
And mark the Golden Track of ANNE's distinguish'd Reign;
So, by your Presence here, we'll strive to raise
To Nobler Heights our Action and our Plays;
And Poets from your Favours shall derive
That Immortality they boast to give.
Poems on Several Occasions | ||