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The Works of John Sheffield

Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, and Duke of Buckingham. In two volumes ... The third edition, Corrected

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Enter Varius.
Junia in Tears! So shines an April Sun;
And so the precious Dew that drops on Flowers,
Steals down unheeded by the vulgar Eye:
But I admire this Master-pieee of Nature.

Alas! my Lord, Cassius is gone to Sardis.

Is't possible? So I was told before,
Yet never could believe it till this Moment.


Why, was it not determin'd so in Council?

I must confess it was debated there,
And wish'd by some, that all our Force at Sardis
Had some great Chief, for keeping martial Sway:
But who could hope that Cassius would be willing
To part from you, one Day, without Occasion?

Is it so strange that Cassius should be forward
In all the Proofs of Courage, or of Conduct?

His Fame forbids I should have such a Thought.
But yet—

But what? I cannot guess your Meaning.

Not all the noble Discipline of War,
Strict Rules of Conduct, Heat of martial Prowess,
The Faith of Friendship, or the Oaths of Leagues,
Not Fame itself, no nor the publick Good,
Deserve to be preferr'd to Junia's Love.

But Rome's at stake.


And well it would be lost,
For staying here one Night within those Arms.

Varius, so high a Compliment as this
Shews you have study'd long at courtly Athens;
Where you have learn'd to know all things, but me:
Who, tho' I value Caius Cassius,
As Slaves do Liberty, or sick Men Health,
Nay more than most of my own Sex love Power;
Yet (what I think the very worst of Fates)
I would lose Sight of that dear Man for ever,
Rather than see him fail our Country's Cause.

Oh ample Recompence for all his Troubles,
To be so lov'd by you! But is he grateful,
Who can so easily endure your Absence?

I mourn for his, and judge his Grief by mine.
Retirement suits a solitary Wife,
And Melancholy loves to be alone.

[Offers to go out.
But should not be indulg'd against your Health. [Stops her.


Rather shine forth, and chear your Brother's Soul,
Which daily sinks beneath a thousand Cares.

His Soul's too great to need such feeble Help.
Besides, tho' priz'd he be above Expression,
Yet ev'n his Friendship must not vye with Love:
One Thought of Cassius out-weighs all things else;
Cassius, whose noble Soul would ne'er submit
To him who domineer'd o'er all besides:
Cassius, Contriver of the Tyrant's Fall;
And (what is more, far more than all the rest)
That hardy Man who mov'd it first to Brutus:
This Man, my Husband, or my Hero rather,
Shall with his Presence ever chear my Eyes,
Or in his Absence take up all my Thoughts.

[Exit Junia.