University of Virginia Library


A Dialogue between Silvia and Thirsis.

Dear Silvia, let thy Thirsis know

Dear Silvia, let thy Thirsis know what 'tis that makes those tears o'reflow. Are the Kids that us'd to play and skip so nimbly gon astray? Are Cloris flowers more fresh and green? Or is some other Nimph made Queen?


Thirsis do'st thou think that I can grieve for this, when thou art by?


What is it then?


My father bids that I no longer feed my Kids with thine but Coridons, and wear none but his Garlands on my haire.


Why so? Why so my Silvia? Will he keep thy flocks more


safe when thou do'st sleep? Will the Nimphs envy more thy praise, when chanted with his round delays?


No Thirsis, I my flocks must joyn with his, 'cause they are more then thine.


Fathers cruell as the Rocks, joyn not their children, but their flocks, their flocks, and Hymen cals, Hymen cals to light his torches there, and Hymen cals, and cals to light his torches there, where fortune, nor affections equall are.