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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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A prayer against temptations especially fit for a man that findeth in himselfe a continuall Inclination to any particular sinne.

A prayer against temptations especially fit for a man that findeth in himselfe a continuall Inclination to any particular sinne.


Oh gratious and most louing God,
who in beginning did'st Create:
Man to thy shape and image good,
and likenesse in most pure estate.


And did'st him place in holy place,
the garden sweete with all delight:
With mercies and abounding grace,
dect heauenly with earthly sightes.



And did'st thy Creatures all ordaine,
in heauen and earth man for to serue:
Oh what was man that he should gaine,
Gods great respect, him to preserue.


Yet Lord how soone he fell away,
from thee, and from originall grace:
How grosly did he disobay,
thy secret will before thy face.


Which thou to him did'st then reueale,
by whose fall, all corruption grew:
And sinne shut out true godly zeale,
and earthes corruptions did insue.


And all things in the earth began,
to disobay him instantly:
By God made good, to comfort man,
who hated him, forsaking thee


By his transgression these proceedes,
of his pollutions Lyneall:
Haue all defild their waies and deedes,
and all men tainted by his fall.


Which first offence bred infinit,
sinnes in corruptions of mans nature:
As I my selfe both day and night,
doe feele & know, most wretched Creature.


Which I confesse, oh Father deare,
to whom this chiefe offence was done:
How Sathans workes, in me appeare,
who hourely into euills run.



Which are most vilde, most meane & base,
doe iudge my selfe of all the worst:
When I behold my wicked case,
considering how I am accurst.


I that confesse, I cannot hide,
how most to sinne I am inclin'd:
Knowne vnto thee my God and guide,
who see'st the secrets of my minde.


Much more the deeds which I commit,
of darkenes seene to thee aboue:
To whose bright eyes both darke and light,
at seasons all, doe seeme as one.


And therefore find'st out all my sinne,
in thought, in action, or intent:
Though by each sinne death did begin,
yet thou do'st promise those repent.


That they shall be forgiuen all,
within which number, Lord make me:
Who seest my sinnes for mercy call,
that raignes in me continually.


And as hit were, commaund me goe,
drawne there vnto by violence:
By Sathan vilde our deadly foe,
that neuer ceaseth ill pretence.


Who workes in me corruptions,
corruptions more pollutions breeds:
Which draweth mine affections,
which minde inclines to wicked deeds.



And chiefely to that odious sinne,
which makes me weake for to fullfill:
Thy lawes and precepts iust wherein,
thou vs commaund'st to doe thy will.


Yet strong and apt for to effect,
those thinges forbidden by thy lawes:
Therefore to kill, Lord sinnes conflict,
remoue from me the wicked cause.


Especially this hedious crime,
that hanges and stickes so fast on mee:
That hit doe raigne no longer time,
which feele it loathsome vnto me.


A heauy burthen to my soule,
which I cannot shake off at all:
By mine owne power or strength controule,
but by Gods workes parpetuall.


Who worketh all repentance true,
therefore Lord make me penitent:
With contrite heart my spirit renew,
let loathsome sinnes thy grace preuent.


For thou Lord seest I doe commit,
sinnes as hit were against my will:
Giue me therefore power, strength, and wit.
corrupt affections all to kill.


The thoughts whereof we vex and grieue,
and heapes of feare my soule possesse:
Dispaire Attemptes hopes to depriue,
me to deuour in all distresse.