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ASIA's Worthies.

Now passing ore from Affrica I come
To Asia and in it glean up some
That in this Century did beate Christs drum
Most worthily
In Palestina at Jerusalem
Salustius bishop was, Elias then
A worthy man yet vext by wicked men
And Villany
John after him who first did nod a wry
But by brave Abbas gain'd shewd Constancy
Unto the truth, for which was made to ly
In prison brought
Peter did him succeed Macarius him
Eustachius then, then John Christ bell did ring
Neamus then came to't, and then the string
Isicius caught.
Bewailing now no more Choice men Divine
Worth Pen and Paper honour Palestine
I pass ore Hermon and do run my line
Ore Syria
And here at Antioch choice Flavian
Disturbd by Xeneas did play the man
Could not be forc'd Chalcedons Faith to damn
Was sent away
Leap ore Severus and Pauls head, I'le sing
Euphrasius one of a better wing
Slain by an Earthquake there that death did bring
To many more
Then Ephraim who in this sad Case supplide
The City with all things for which she cride
Then Domnus after him the Flock did guide
Presiding ore,


Brave Anastasius to the Pulpet came
Who when Justinian Christ flesh would proclaim
Not mortall, forcing Elders to the same
His Faith stood strong
Then they all said they would their Bishop ne're
Desert but follow. Hence the Emp'rour were
Designd to banish him but di'de first there
Yet was ere long
Then Gregory that Bishops seat obtaind
Who when the souldiers left their Faith, them gain'd
Unto the Emperour, that they mentain'd
Th'Imperiall line
Who to Cosroes by the Emperour lent
So Charmd him with his tongue he did present
A Cross of Gold with precious Gems set, spent
On Sergius Shrine.
He bicker'd much with Hereticks and won
Towns yea whole tribes that to the truth now run
But biting Hermes Fingers off's undone
And di'de thereby.
Euphemius follows him, then John whose pen
The Monophysits greatly in their den
Did pound and pummell that his works with men
Of fame did fly.
Peter now Bishop was, Damascus, thine
At Arethusa did Severian shine
And at Apamea in Syrias line
Conon arose
Who chang'd his mitre for a sword when need,
Paul after him who wrote against the Deed
Hereticall to th'Emperour to proceed
And them oppose.
At Tyre now Epiphanius shone forth bright
An other of this name did Papia light
With Gospell beams. At Epiphania night
'Fore Cosmus flew
Whose Deacon nam'de Arelian gave unto
Severus th'Heretick a bill to show
Him that the Bishops him unbishopt so
In womens shew.
Phenicia injoyd at Bostria
One Julian who did Christ truth display
But by Severus forc'd to scape away
To shun his rage
Ancyra in Galatia did injoy
The Gospell beams Dorotheus made there fly
Opposing Errours, Knew when he should die,
So left the stage.


At Bostria which in Phoenicia stood
Brave Julian was bishop who eschewd
Severus Errour by his flight, which shewd
His faith intire
Magnus shone in Berrea sent was to
Cosroes king of Persia now their foe
By Antioch, who did intreat him t'do
Away his ire
The Rabbid King repli'de he would destroy
The Syriaks and the Cilicks and doth high
His host to Hierople, but doth spy
The town kept fast
Yields unto Magnus for a thousand pound
In gold, to leave his War which Magnus found
To be deni'd, and on himselfe a sound
Of treason cast.
Candidus Bishop Sergiople Crownd
To whom Cosroes tendred Captives round
Twelve thousand, for two hundred golden pound
On's Credit gi'n
Confirmd by hand and oath; yet could not raise
Amongst his people in due time, delayes
Are dangerous. The tyrants wrath doth blaze
And siege them in.
Candidus goes entreats him not bee hot
The mony promised he had not got
As yet: He takes him Captive and what not
Is flung on him
A double price now's set. Hence he doth pray
Some be to Sergiople sent. And they
Take all the Churches precious things away
Which don't suffice
Hence Candidus is kept in prison still
As one that perjur'd is, though gainst his Will,
And so not worthy th'Office to fulfill
A Captive lies
Domitian Bishop is at Melitine
Prudent and Pious. Andrew out doth shine
At Nicomede. At Ephesus Ruffine
The stole did ware
Simon was Bishop in Armenia
Who Captiv'd was redeemd and had away
These were the Asian chiefest shine, this day
To us doth beare