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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[The Bischop of Hely brak his neck]

The Bischop of Hely brak his neck,
Disherist of his benefice,
Cause he the Preistis wald not correct
Corrupt and Goddis Sacrifice,
Sen our Hely in his office,
Is lyke in Preuaricatioun,
He sall ressaue sic lyke Iustice,
Mak he nocht reformatioun.
The Leuittis at thair awin hand,
Thay reft thair teind, and mekill mair,
Expres aganis Goddis command,
Thair buredome haitit he richt sair,
Thairfoir God send thame sic cruell weir,
Thay tint the feild the Ark was tane.
Hely fell downe throw suddand feir,
And brak his neck, and coller bane.
Ophni and Phenis, ȝour conscience remord,
Amend ȝour lyfe, or in the feild,
Ȝe salbe slaine, and ȝe my Lord,
Quhilk hes the wyte that thay ar keild,
Helis Iugement salbe ȝour beild,
And als ȝour mortall Ennemeis.
Sall bruke withouttin speir or scheild,
Ȝour office euin before ȝour eyis.
For ȝour abuse may be ane brother,
To Tharis als lyke in similitude,
As euer ane eg was lyke ane vther
Of Goddis word baith destitude.
And greit God of Sanctitude,
Quhais power hes nocht tane ane end.


Sall send with that same fortitude{,}
Siclyke to ȝow except ȝe mend.
All the exempillis of the Law,
Ar writtin with greit diligence,
For our saikis, that me stand aw,
Of Goddis hie Magnificence,
Of this we haue experience,
Of diuers Natiounis, round about,
For Inglis Prelatis Duche, and Dence,
For thair abuse ar rutit out.
Reforme in tyme, leue ȝour tyrannie,
First mend ȝour lyfe, syne leirne to preiche,
Thocht wage our Freiris faine wald lie,
The treuth will furth, and will nocht leiche,
For euerie man dois vther teiche,
And countis nocht ȝour crueltie,
Except ȝe mend, I will nocht fleiche,
Ȝe sall end all mischeuouslie.