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Epigrams theological, philosophical, and romantick

Six books, also the Socratic Session, or the Arraignment and Conviction, of Julius Scaliger, with other Select Poems. By S. Sheppard

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Epig. 42. To Sir Alexander Wroth, of the most noble Order of the Garter Knight, a Resolution to his Demand, &c.

As Sarams beauteous Countesse in a Dance
Let fall her spangled Garter, that great King,
Who layd such powerfull claime to fertill France,
By accident himselfe took up the String;
The Origen from hence that order came,
O high Originall—oh monstrous shame—
That fam'd installment is eclips'd, and we
Give it to meane and vile a Pedigree:
Truth is victorious, Richard (that brave King)
At Acon pleas'd to tie a leather string
About each Souldiers Leg, with his own hand,
Thence came this order (famous in our Land)
But (Sir) I leav't to you, pray chuse you whether
You'l have the Countesse Sylke, or Souldiers leather.

Edward 3.

The 1.