University of Virginia Library


His GRAVE (though he desired none
With Name, or Title thereupon)
Was made below this Marble stone?
And, here, interred, now, He lies,
To wait CHRISTS coming in the Skies,
At whose approach the DEAD shall rise.


Yet, seek not here, among the DEAD,
(On stones, or brass, or sheets of Lead)
What, to his honour may be read:
But, if you more of him, would hear,
Peruse the sheets, whose Forefronts bear
His NAME inscribed; and read him, there,
For though that MONUMENT be built
Without cost, graving, paint, or guilt,
It shall remain, when this is spilt:
Yea, though it hath but paper wings,
It shall out last, those lasting things,
Which, make up Monuments for KINGS.