University of Virginia Library



On the cold hills the moon lies white,
The ghostly Frost arises bright;
Lost winds wail in the homeless air,
Wandering wearily, every-where:
But, wrapt in dreams of summer mirth,
My cricket sings upon the hearth;
My heart to dreams his dreams beguile—
“After a while, after a while.”
Below the embers ashes darkle;
Above, the lithe flames leap and sparkle,
Dancing to all fantastic forms
Of all that gladdens, cheers and warms;
And, singing to my fancies sweet,
The cricket's spell the flames repeat;
My heart to dreams their dreams beguile—
“After a while, after a while.”
I shut my eyes: my life I see—
Oh, miracle!—a blossoming tree!


(The world's sad winds, that cried for rest,
Cradled in blossoms slumber bless'd;)
And from its fragant-hearted May
Some sweet bird joins the cricket's lay;
Oh, tender songs my dreams beguile—
“After a while, after a while.”
Winds, rock the world in fairy dreams!
Rise, Frost, and haunt the sleeping streams!
Below the embers ashes darkle;
Above, the lithe flames leap and sparkle;
Sweet bird, bright flames, blithe cricket start
The same dear song of hearth and heart!—
I whisper low, with sigh and smile,
“After a while, after a while.”