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Textbook Policies and Procedures

The Code of Virginia, Section 23-4.3:1, specifies that the governing boards of public institutions of higher education must implement policies, procedures, and guidelines necessary to comply with this section of the Code.

A. Procedures for Posting Textbook Information

  • 1. The University shall continue to post relevant textbook information on the University Bookstore website.

  • 2. For required textbooks, such information shall be posted when textbooks are identified by the relevant instructor or academic department for order.

  • 3. Such information shall include the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) along with other relevant information.

B. Procedures for Minimizing the Cost of Textbooks

These procedures are intended to encourage efforts to minimize the cost of textbooks for students while maintaining the quality of education and academic freedom.

  • 1. Deadlines: instructors will provide a list of required and/or recommended textbooks and other necessary materials for each of their courses by the posted deadlines communicated by the University Bookstore. These deadlines will ordinarily fall two months prior to the term; however, orders for fall term are normally due at the end of spring term to permit the bookstore to buy back used books for use during fall term.

  • 2. Bundles: during the textbook adoption process, instructors will ensure that all items ordered as part of a bundled package are necessary for the course work. Otherwise, the instructor will direct the bookstore to order the individual items separately. The bookstore will order such items individually, provided that such items are available for purchase in that manner and that their procurement is cost effective.

  • 3. Retail Price: instructors must affirm that they are aware of the retail price of textbooks selected for use in their courses.

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  • 4. New Editions: when new editions of textbooks do not significantly differ in a substantive way from less-expensive earlier editions, the instructor shall recommend the purchase of the earlier editions, as long as the selection does not impair or diminish the quality of the education.

C. Financial Aid

The University will continue to include the cost of textbooks in its calculation of the total cost of attendance used to award financial aid to those students who demonstrate financial need.