![]() | The records of the Virginia Company of London | ![]() |
A Quarter Courte held for Virginia at mR Ferrars in
Stt Sithes Lane the 17th OF May 1620
The Earle of Southampton. | The Lo: Cauendish. |
The Earle of Warwicke. | The Lo: Sheffeilde. |
The Earle of Deuonsheire. | The Lo: Pagett. |
The Lord Viscont Doncaster. | The Lo: Houghton. [105] |
Sr Nicholas Tufton Knight. | Sr Wm Maynard knt. |
Sr Edwin Sandis knt Thr̃er. | Sr Thomas Roe knt. |
Sr Frauncis Leigh knt. | Sr Iohn Merrick knt. |
Sr Iohn Sammes knt. | Sr Robert Mansell knt. |
Sr Robert Killigrew knt. | Sr Tho: Grantham knt. |
Sr Io: Dauers knt. | Sr Henry Rainsford knt. |
Sr Tho: Cheeke knt. | Sr Dudley Diggℯ knt. |
Sr William Fleetwood knt. | Sr Tho: Willforde knt. |
Sr Henry Croftℯ knt. | Sr Frauncis Egioke knt |
Sr Wm Herrick knt. | Sr Thomas Wroth knt. |
Sr Walter Earle knt. | Sr Lawrence Hide knt. |
Sr Iohn Wolstenholme knt. | Sr Natha: Rich knt. |
Sr Iohn Byngley knt. | Sr Frauncis Kennaston knt. |
Sr Edward Lawley knt. | Sr Wm Russell knt. |
Sr Tho: Tracy knt. | Sr Tho: Button knt. |
mr Iohn Ferrar Deputy. | Thomas Gibbℯ esqr. | Nicholas Hide esqr. |
Iohn Wroth esqr. | Christo: Brook esqr. | Christopher Earle esqr. |
Edward Clarke esqr. | mr Dor Gulston. | mr Dr Winstone. |
mr Dr Anthony. | Iohn Bargraue esqr. | Samuel Wrote esqr. |
Edward Herbert esqr. | George Sandys esqr. | Henry Reighnoldℯ esqr. |
mr Arthur Bromfeilde. | mr Percey. | mr Chambers. |
mr Edward Gibℯ. | mr Richard Rogers. | mr Barron. |
mr Thomas Gibℯ. | mr Tho Keightley. | mr Turner. |
mr Iohn Smith. | mr Tho: Sheppard. | mr Goodyear. |
mr Iohn Porter. | mr Henry Brigs. | mr Widdowes. |
mr Richard Tomlynℯ. | mr Iames Berblock. | mr Kinge. |
mr [340] Barkeley. | mr Wm: Cranmer. | mr Shipton. |
Iohn Holloway. | mr Nicho: Ferrar. | mr Bland. |
Capt Laurence Maisterson. | mr Robert Smith. | mr Bull. |
Capt Samuell Argoll. | mr Wm: Caninge. | mr Cletherow. |
Capt Edward Bruster. | mr Nicho: Leate. | mr Morrice. |
Capt Daniell Tucker. | mr Humphrey Handford. | mr Price. |
Capt Warde. | mr Robert Bell. | mr Stiles. |
mr Barkham. | mr Humfrey Slaney. | mr Mellinge. |
mr Thomas Maisterson. | mr Wm Leueson. | mr Meuerell. |
mr Iohn Collet. | mr Caswell. | mr Bolston. |
mr Edward Pallauicin. | mr George Smith. | mr Paulston. |
mr Augustin Linsell. | mr Edwards. | mr Swinhow. |
mr George Ruggle. | mr Whitley. | mr Bagwell. |
mr Thomas Wellℯ. | mr George Scott. | mr Robertℯ. |
mr Swifte. | mr Edmond Scott. | mr Woodall. |
mr Madison. | mr Chamberlyn. | mr Cuffe. |
mr Palmer. | mr Abdy. | mr Collett. |
mr Barbor. | mr Dike. | mr Buckredge. |
mr ffishborne. | mr Bateman. | mr Darnelly. |
mr Couell. | mr Morrer. | mr Ditchfeild. |
mr Felgate. | mr Leuer. | mr Sywarde. |
mr Combes. | mr Wiseman. | mr Hackett. |
mr Iadwin. | mr Nicholℯ. | |
mr Martin. | ||
mr Sparrow. | ||
mr Peter Arundell | ||
& many others. |
This day beinge ordayned to be a great and generall Quarter Courte
[106] By his Mats gratious ɫres Pattents for this Company and being
accordinge to the authoritie given him by the standinge order of
Courte and accordingly meeting ther were presented, five Pattents or
payrs of Indentures for Land one payr to the Societie of Smiths
hundred, wch att a meeting amongst themselvs (in regard Sr Thomas
Smith had assented to parte wth his interest therin so hee might have
the monny hee had disbursed in that Acc̃on) they altered the name
and agreed that from thence forth itt should be called and tituled
- The second to Capt Iohn Bargraue and his Associatℯ.
- The third to Capt Iohn Warde and his Associatℯ.
- The ffourth to Iohn Poynℯ esquire and his Associates.
Southampton Hundred.
The ffifte to Iohn Barkley esquire and his Associates,
All which Pattents and Indentures beinge read were well approved of
and beinge putt to the question receaved a generall confirmac̃on agree-
ing that in the afternoone the legall Seale for the Company should be
vnto them all affixed.
Vppon the moc̃on of mr Thr̃er who signified the forwardnes of sundry
greate Lords to be assistinge in this buisines in regard of the worthy-
ness of the Acc̃on the Courte hath willingly made choyce of them to
be of his Mats: Councell for Virginia, namely the Right Honoble͠: ye Earle
the Earle of Arundell the Earle of Deuonsheire, and the Lord Dauers.
Three or fower Proposic̃ons to be enacted for orders beinge presented
to be considered of by mr Berblock and beinge red the Courte held
them worthy of deliberac̃on, and to that end appoynted a Comittee,
vizd: Sr Iohn Dauers, mr Iohn Wroth, mr Gibbes, and the said mr
Two Petic̃ons beinge red one exhibited by Wm Webb Husband thother
by Frauncis Carter both desyringe gratefycac̃on for their extraordinary
paines they were both referred to the generall Comittee & Auditors
who best can iudge of their deservinges.
Williã Barret gent assigned to Sr Henry Croftℯ 1 Share of Land
Allso mr Abraham Cartwright surrendred one Share to mr Challoner
wch two shares beinge allowed by the Auditors was confirmed by the
Vppon request of some of the generallytie itt was ordered that frome
hence forth before the Company proceed to the choyce of their Offi-
cers the Chapter or title of elecc̃on shall allwaies be red before. [107]
In the begininge of this Afternoone Courte, mr Thr̃er acquainted
them of one Sr Frauncis Nethersole who is shortly to goe into Bohemia,
and because hee was not of the Compa: hee desyred libertie for him
to sett amongst them this day to vnderstand their proceedings Wch hee
doubted not hee would reporte of elsewhere to the best Wch the Courte
willinglie assented to.
Imeadiately after and before they proceeded in any buisines one mr
Kerkham agent sent from the King presented himselfe to the boord
and signified to the Courte that his Matie: vnderstandinge of the Elecc̃on
of their Treasur̃or wch they intended this day to make choyce of, out
of an especiall care & respect hee hath to that Plantac̃on hath required
him to nominate vnto them ffower outt of wch his pleasure is the
Company should make choyce of one to be their Treasurer, That was,
Sr Thomas Smith, Sr Thomas Roe, Mr Alderman Iohnson, and Mr
Maurice Abbott, and noe other.
After wch message delivered the Assembly beinge greater by much
then was in the fforenoone, mr Thr̃ear was pleased to signifie what
buisines they had done before dinner, and thervppon rehearsed as itt
is before exprest Wch beinge now putt to the Question receaved gen-
erall approbac̃on.
The Courte moreover vppon the moc̃on & relac̃on by mr Tr̃er of ye
great redines of Sr Wm Cockaine Lord Maior of this Cittie, and of the
Lord Bish: of London to give the Compa: their best assistance in ad-
vanceinge this Action made them free of ye Compa: and elected them
allso to be of his Maties Counsell for Virginia.
Then proceedinge to the Accoustomable manner the Courts were red,
after wch mr Thr̃er signified to the Courte the Companies former
resoluc̃on for entertaynment of 2 new Officers by the name of 2 Depu-
ties to governe 2 p̱ts of the publique Land in Virginia, one was mr
George Thorpe well knowne to the Company for his sufficiencie who
is all redie gone and have deputed him to governe the Colledge Land
Wth graunt of 300 Acres to be p̱petually belonginge to that place and
10 Tenñtℯ to be placed vppon the Land, The other of the same worth
now present called mr Thomas Nuce, touchinge whome itt was agreed
that hee should take charge of the Companies Land and Teñntℯ
in Virginia whatsoever and for his entertaynmt have ordered that
hee and such as shall succeed him shall in that place have 1200 Acres
of Land sett out belonginge to that Office, 600 att Kiquotan, now
called Elizabeth Cittie 400 Acres att Charles Cittie, 100: att Henrico,
att 100: att Iames Cittie, And for the menaginge of this Land, have
further agreed that hee shall have 40: Teñntℯ to be placed thervppon,
whereof 20 to be sent presentlie and the other 20: in the 2 Springs
ensuinge all wch beinge now putt to the question receaved a generall
approbac̃on of this Quarter Courte who gave allso to mr Nuce 150li
towards ye furnishinge of himselfe out for that place. [108]
And itt is allso agreed vppon the request of mr Nuce, wheras sundry
gentlemen for his sake may Adventure their monny in this Acc̃on
that such monney so adventured shalbe wholly imployed to the better
peopoling of that Land wch hee hath thus graunted to him.
Itt was agreed and Confirmed att this Courte that mr Porey the Sec-
retary and his successors in that place should have 500 Acres of Land
belonginge to that Office, and 20 Tennantℯ to be planted ther vppon,
wherof Tenn to be sent this year and tenn the next yeare and the
Secretary there from hence forward should receave no ffees for him-
selfe, and the ffees to be paid his Clarkes for writinge & other charges
to be rated here by the Courte.
These buisines beinge thus ordered mr Thr̃er accordinge to the stand-
ing Lawes of the Company before the giveinge vpp of his place pro-
ceeded to declare vnto this Courte the State of the Colony together
wth ye Supplies of this yeare, and the present State of the Treasury,
declared that it appeared by a ɫre written from the generall Colony
and directed to this Company that att ye latter arivall of the Ship
called the Georg in Virginia wch was in Aprill 1618 the number of
men weomen and Children was about 400: amongst wch 200 was the
moste that were able to sett hand to husbandry and butt one Plough
was goinge in all the Country wch was the fruite of full 12 years
labour and aboue one hundred thousand marks expences, disbursed
out of the publique Treasurie ouer and aboue of the some of betweene
8 and 9000li Debt into wch the Company was brought, and besides the
great expences of p̱ticularr Adventurers.
The Collony beinge thus weake and the Treasury §vtterly§ exhaust,
Itt pleased divers Lords Knights, gentlemen and Cittizens (greived to
see this great Action fall to nothinge) to take the matter a new in
hand and at their pryvate charges (ioyninge themselvs into Societies)
to sett vpp divers p̱ticularr Plantac̃ons wherof the first of any moment
now called Southampton Hundred hath had 310 Persons sent vnto itt,
the next called Martinℯ Hundred aboue 200 p̱sons and some others in
like sorte so that att the cominge away of Captaine Argoll att Easter
i6i9 ther were Persons in the Colony neere—1000:.
Butt as the Pryvate Plantac̃on began this to encrease so contrary
wise the estate of the Publique for the settinge vp wherof about
75000li had been spent grew into vtter confusion ∥consumption∥. ffor
wheras the Deputy Gouernor att his Arivall to that place wch was in
or aboute may i6i7 hath left and delivered to him by his Predisessor
a porc̃on of publique Land called the Companies Garden which yeilded
to them in one year about 300li profitt, Servantℯ : 54 imployed in the
same Garden and in Saltworks sett vpp for the service of the Collony,
Tennantℯ 81 yeilded a yearly rent of Corne & [109] services, wch
Rent Corne together wth the Tribute Corne from the Barbarians
amounted to aboue 1200 of our bushells by the yeare, Kine 80: Goatℯ
88:—Aboute 2 years after vizd Easter 1619 att the Cominge away of
the said Deputy: Gouernor this wholl State of the publique was gone
and Consumed ther beinge not lefte att that time to the Company
Corne Cowe, or Saltworke and butt six Goates onely wthoutt one
penny yeilded to the Company for their so great losse in way of
Accompt or restituc̃on to this very day.
This is allso further to be knowne that wheras about 2: or 3: years
before ther had been sent home to the Company within Compass of
14 monneths eleven seuerall Comodities, they were by this time all
reduced to two namely Tobacco and Sassafras, and the plantinge &
providinge of Corne soe vtterly neglected that the dearth grew exces-
sive, had not the same beene §spedilie§ releived from hence with 200
quarters of meale sent thither att one time by the Magazine, and this
was the State of the Colony in Virginia in Easter Tearme 1619, att
wch time hee was chosen to their service in this place.
What in this year hath beene p̱formed by the Company for the
Advancement of the Plantac̃on least hee might faile in memorie and
reporte of the severall numbers hee hath reduced into writinge wch
hee then p̢sented and read to the Courte the Tenor wherof here
A note of the Shippinge Men and Prouisions sent to Virginia
by the Treasuror and ye Company Anno 1619
The Bona Noua of | —200· Tunn sent in August i6i9 wth | —120: Persons |
The Dutie of | —070· Tunn sent in January i6i9 wth | —051 p̱sons |
The Ionathan of | —350· Tunn sent in ffebruary i6i9 wth—200 p̱sonns | |
The Tryall of | —200· Tunn sent in ffebruary i6i9 wth—040 p̱sons & 60 Kine | |
The ffaulcon of | —150· Tunn sent in ffebruary i6i9 wth—036 p̱sons 52 Kine & 4 mares | |
The Marchant of London—300· Tunn sent in March 1619 wth | —200 p̱sons | |
The Swan of Barnstable | —100· Tunn in March—1619 wth | —071 p̱sonns |
The Bona Venture of | —240· Tunn sent in Aprill 1620 wth | —153 p̱sonns |
hath beene sett outt by particularr Adventurers for pryvate
The Garland of 250—Tunn sent in Ivne 1619 wth 45 Personns who are
yett deteyned in the Summer Islands. [110]
Therare allso two Ships in providinge to be shortlie
gone for about 300 Personns more to be sent by
pryvate Adventurers to Virginia
—300 Personns
Sume of the Persons 1261
Wherof in eight Ships sett out by the
Thr̃er and Company 871
Of these there are sent for Publique and other Pious uses these
Tenants for the Gouernors Land (&besides 50 sent ye former Spring) |
080 |
Tenants for the Companies Land | 130 |
Tenants for the Colledge Land | 100 |
Tenants for the Mynisters Gleab Land | 050 |
Young Maydens to make wives for soe many of ye form9 Tennantℯ |
090 |
Boyes to make Apprentises for those Tenantℯ | 100 |
Servants for the Publique | 050 |
Men sent by their labors to beare vp the Charge of bringinge vpp thirty of the Infidles Children in true religion and Civilitie |
050 |
Sum of ye Persons for Publique Vse is | 650: |
The Comodities wch these people are dyrected principally to apply
(next their owne necessary mayntenance) are these ensuinge
Iron for wch are sent 150 p̱sons to sett vpp three Iron workℯ proofe
haveinge beene made of the extraordinary goodnes of that Ironn.
Cordage for wch besides Hemp and fflax direcc̃ons is given for Plant-
inge of Silkegrass naturally growinge in those parts in great aboun-
dance wch is approved to make the best Cordage and Lyne in the world
of this every houshold is bound to sett 100 Plants and the Gouernor
himselfe to sett 5000.
Pitch and Tarr: Pott Ashes, and Sope Ashes, for the makinge wherof
the Polackers[367]
are returned to their workℯ.
Timber of all sorts wth Masts Plankes, and Bordℯ for p̳vision of Ship-
pinge and ther beinge not so good Timber for all vses in any one
knowne Country whatsoever and for the ease and encrease of Divers
of those workℯ, provision is sent of men and materiallℯ, for the set-
tinge vpp of Sundry Sawinge Mills.
Silke for wch that Country is exceedinge prop̱ haveinge innumerable
store of Mulberie Trees of the best, and some Silkwormes naturally
found vppon them p̳duceinge excellent Silke some wherof is to be
ffor the settinge vpp of wch Comoditie his Matie hath beene gratiouslie
pleased now the second time (the former haveinge miscarryed to
bestowe vppon the Company plenty of Silkewormes seed of his owne
store being the best. [111]
Vines wherof the Country yeildeth naturally greate store of sundry
sorts wch by Culture wilbe brought to excellent p̱fecc̃on for the effect-
inge wherof divers skillfull Vigneronℯ are sent, wth store allso from
hence of Vine plantℯ of ye best Sorte.
Salte wch worke haveinge lately been sufered to decay are now ordered
to be sett vpp in soe greate plenty as not only to serve the Collony for
ye present but itt is hoped in short time allso the great fishinge on those
ffor the followinge workinge and p̱fectinge of these Comodities all
p̳visions necessary for the present are sent in good aboundance, As
likewise the People that goe are plentifully furnished, wth Apparrell,
Beddinge Victuall for 6 moneths, Implements both for house and
labour, Armour Powder and many necessary provisions, provision
allso is made for those of the Collony wch were there before, yett wth-
out any p̢iudice to the fformer Magazine.
Ther haue been giuen to ye Colony this yeare by Deuoute Persons
these guiftes ensuinge.
Two Persons vnknowne have given faire Plate & other rich Ornamts
for two Communion Tables, wherof one for the Colledge, and the other
for the Church of Mrs Mary Robinsonℯ foundinge, who in the fformer
year by her will gave two hundred pounds towards the foundinge a
Church in Virginia.
Another vnknowne p̱son (together wth a goodly letter) hath latly sent
to the Thr̃er 550li: in gold for the bringinge vpp of Children of the
Infidles first in ye knowledge of God & true religion, & next in ffitt
Trades wherby honestly to live.
Mr Nicholas Ferrar deceased hath by his will given 300li: to the Colledge
in Virginia to be paid when ther shalbe tenn of the Infidles Children
placed in itt, and in the meane time fower and Twentie pound by year
to be distributed vnto three discreet and godlie men in the Colony wch
shall honestly bringe vpp three of the Infidles Children in Christian
Religion and some good course to live by.
An Vnknowne Person sent to the Thr̃er the sume of Tenn pound for
advanceinge the Plantac̃on.
Ther haue been Pattentℯ graunted this yeare for Perticular Plan-
1 To mr Wincopp | |
2 To mr Heath Recorder of London | |
3 To Doctor Bohunn | |
4 To mr Delbridge | Who have vndertaken to Transporte to Vir- ginia great multitudes of People wth store of Cattle. |
5 To mr Tracie | |
6 To mr Peirce | |
7 To mr Poynte | |
8 To mr Barkley | |
9 To Southampton Hundred | |
10 To Captaine Bargraue | |
11 To Captaine Warde | [112] |
After wch writinge beinge read mr Ther̃er p̳ceeded to declare vnto the
Courte the State of his Accompt, aswell for the Companies generall
Cash as for the Cash of the Colledge, and first hee sayth hee hath
receaved no warrant for disbursment of their monney butt such as hee
knew to be iust and necessarie that in the booke of Accompt wch hee
exhibited to the Courte Audited and approved by 5: of the 7 Auditors,
and the other two beinge away hee hath sett downe distinctly the
p̱ticularr reasons as well of his severall receipts as of his Severall
Disbursmts the breife wherof ensueth.
Recipts for the generall Cash.
li | s | d | |
Remayninge of the last year | 0111: | 12 | 02 |
Old Debts & duties recovered | 1442: | 04 | 01 |
Bills of Adventure | 0037: | 10 | 00 |
Lottery monney | 7000: | 00 | 00 |
ffor Passengers & ffraight wch some Cattle sould |
0809: | 08 | 08 |
Monney Lent repayde | 20: | 00 | 00 |
Of the Citty for a hundred Children sent to Virginia |
400: | 00 | 00 |
Monny given | 0010: | 00 | 00 |
Sumis | 9830: | 14: | 11 |
Disbursmentℯ out of the Generall Cash Old Debts and Duties discharged |
3707· | 17: | 02 |
Settinge out Ship men and Provision | 6598: | 00: | 06 |
Officers wages | 0112· | 10: | 00 |
Petty charges layd out by the Officers | 0013: | 06: | 11 |
Sumis | 10431: | 14: | 07 |
Receipts for ye Colledge 2043 | 2043: | 02: | 11½ |
Disbursmentℯ for the Colledge | 1477: | 15: | 05 |
Mr Thr̃er allso declared that for any buisines done in his yeare hee
had not lefte the Compa: to his knowledge one penny in Debt except-
inge p̱happs the remayne of some charges att Plymoth wherof the
Accompt was not yett com in and exceptinge that wch should grow
due vppon the fraight of Ships accordinge to the Contractℯ made wth
them by the Courte, and lastly that hee had lefte in Stocke for the
vse of the Lotteries twelve hundred pound more then was lefte the
former yeare.
Hee p̳ceeded then to declare yt divers great Somes haveinge by warr̃nt
been paid out by him to mr Deputy to be disbursed by him and the
Comittees for furnishinge men and p̳visions to Virginia, ther was by
mr Deputy exhibited to ye Courte an exact Accompt of his doinge
expressed in three bookℯ, wherof the first was an Accompt of the
p̱ticulars of all the mony by him disbursed wch had beene examyned
and approved as well by the Comittees as by the Auditors as appeared
vnder their hands. [113]
The Second was a booke conteyninge a Cattalogue of Invoyces of all ye
provisions sent this yeare to Virginia sett downe in exact manner
after the vse of Marchaunts.
The third booke conteyneth a Cattalogue of the names of all the
p̱sons sent this yeare att the publique charge to Virginia together
with their seuerall Countries Trades and Ages, hee could not butt very
greatlie com̃end mr Deputy for his fidelitie care and Industry who
neglectinge his pryvate buisines had employed his whole time together
wth the great help and assistance of his brethren, in p̱forminge so well
his charge full of incredible trouble.
a Cattalogue of ye
names of ye Per-
sons sent to Vir-
ginia at ye pub-
lique charge
Lastly hee concluded wth his respective thanks, first to the Compa in
generall for their love in chosinge him, and then p̱ticularly to the
Lords for their so frequent presence to the graceinge of the Courte,
and great assistance in the buisines; To the Officers for their fayth-
full ioyninge wth him in the supportinge of his burthen, and againe
to the Courte in generall for their patience in bearringe wth his
Office togeather wth the Sealls hee desyred the Courte to p̳ceed in
Elecc̃on of their Thr̃er, accordinge to the message lately receaved
from his Maty: and thervppon wthdrew himselfe out of Courte.
Vppon wth this great and generall Courte found themselvs vppon a
deliberate considerac̃on of the matter att an exceedinge pinch for if
they should not doe as the Kinge had commaunded they might incurre
suspic̃on of defect in poynte of duety from wch they protested they
were and would be free, one the other side if they should proceed
accordinge to the lymittℯ of that message they suffered a greate breach
into their Prevyledge of free Elecc̃on graunted to them by his Mats:
letters Pattents, wch they held fitt rather to lay downe wth all dutie
and submission att his Maties: ffeet then to be depryved of their pryve-
ledge, and thervppon p̱vsinge the said ɫres Pattentℯ after longe arguinge
and debatinge, itt was concluded by generall erecc̃on of hands, that
the elecc̃on might and should be Adiourned to the next Quarter
Courte notwithstanding any order made by the Company to the
Whervppon forasmuch as itt manyfestly appeared that his Matie: hadd
beene much misinformed of the menaginge of their buisines this last
yeare, Itt was agreed accordinge to the opynion aforesaide that the
day of Eleccon should be putt of till the next great generall Courte
some six weeks hence in Midsomer Tearme, and till they vnderstood
the Kingℯ farther pleasure, And in the intrym they humbly entreated
the Right Honorable ye Lord of Southampton, Vyscount Doncaster,
The Lord Cauendish, ye Lord Sheffield, Sr Iohn Dauers Sr Nicholas
Tufton, Sr Lawrence Hide, mr Xo: Brook mr Gibbes mr Herbert,
mr Keightley, and mr Cranmer to meet vppon ffryday morninge att
Southampton house to determine of an humble answere vnto his
Mats: message and to deliver to him a true informac̃on aswell of the
former as of this [114] latter years gouerment of the buisines for
Virginia beseechinge allso that his Matie: would be pleased not to take
from them the Pryveledge of their ɫres Pattents butt that itt might
be in their owne choyce to have free elecc̃on.
Vppon wch till his Mats: pleasure were knowne Sr Edwin Sandys after
much and ernest refusall, att length vppon ernest request of ye whole
Courte hee yeilded to sett down in his former place yett forbearinge
to receave the Seales againe or to putt any thinge to Question and all
other Officers were likewise continued till the same time.
to holde his place
till his Mats pleasure
was knowne and
all other Officers
Itt was agreed beinge putt to the question yt by reason of this Occasion
that notwithstandinge any order the buisines concluded of after six
of the Clock should this day be of force.
Itt was agreed yt the buisines betweene Capt Argoll and Capt Bruster
should be deferred till Twesday att 2: of the clocke and then per-
emptorily heard wthout further delay.
Sr Edwin Sandys made 2 requests one that wheras att returne of the
Certificate from the Ships ther wilbe due to pay 2150li: for which
himselfe and mr Deputy are engaged that for their securyty such
Lottery monny as hearafter commeth in may be paid vnto them to
yt Sume wch beinge putt to the Question was ratefyed.
The other that for the quietness of his mynde and rest of his body
hee might have libertie after the Tearme to retire himselfe into the
Country vnto wch ye Compa: promised to give answer att the next
Vppon the moc̃on of mr Samuell Wrote that such monney as is layd
out by him & mr Berblock in the p̳secuting law against Wye, mr Thr̃er
might pay the same by warrant to them the Court held itt very
reasonable that if they vndertooke to follow itt att their request they
should beare their charges therfore itt was generally agreed to as
allso vppon their requeste now made vnto the Courte, The Company
were willinge & assented, that if the said mr Wrote, and mr Berblock
did enter into bond in the Admiralty Courte, accordinge to the Cus-
tome therof, the Compa: should give vnto the said mr Wrote and
mr Bearblock vnder their Common seale authoritie to prosecute the
sute and sufficient assurance to save[386]
them harmless. [115]
The greater part of this report was printed. See List of Records, nos. 92, 183, pages 131 and 141, ante.
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