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A Drama [Part 2]

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Scene II.
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Scene II.

—Cirtha. A hall in the palace of Syphax. Micipsa, Juba, Mastanabal, and other Numidian Chiefs assembled.
Enter Sophonisba.
All the Chiefs.
Behold thy slaves! We kiss the dust before thee!

Micipsa, Juba, and Mastanabal!
My husband's loved and trusted from of old!
Conquered and captive as he is, alas!
It may be he will ne'er return to thank you
For all your faithfulness to him and me,
Who seem to stand this day on ruin's brink;
Yet well I know that you will never suffer,
Whilst there are hearts and hands to follow you,
Such as these matchless ones I see before me,
His city and his queen to be the spoil
Of Masanissa's spear.

No! by the rocks
Our fathers' graves are carved in, we will shed,
O Queen of Syphax! our last drop of blood
Ere have such shame to blush for.


Light of Cirtha!
Ampsaga's waters shall run red that day
With the best blood of Masanissa's tribe,
Ere here he stand our master!

When thou hear'st
The trampling of his horsemen in the land,
Then from thy towers look down, daughter of Carthage,
And see if these thy servants keep their oath.

Warriors and friends, I thank you and believe you!
Nor think that I to Syphax will be wanting,
If the dark hour befall us. You shall never
Blush in your graves for me. Farewell! farewell!

Farewell, O queen! We haste to die for thee.

[Exeunt omnes.