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Peter Wilkins : Or, the loadstone rock and the flying Indians

an extra extravagant extravaganza, In Two Acts

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—A Rocky Cavern. A piece of sail cloth in front, on a square piece like a door plate, the “Hon. Mr. Wildman, please to ring the bell.”
Music. Enter Pug, (a Monkey) L.—he tumbles about in ecstasy, then rings the bell, tumbles, &c. and rings again. Enter Mr. Wildman, C.—he is dressed in a bear-skin suit, his head and beard a la Jeune France.
Who rang the bell? (sees Pug)
Oh, you, sir! well the news

That you thus rouse me from my pleasant snooze,


Besides I hate such early morning calls,
I dreamt too that I dwelt in marble halls.
[Music. Pug does action expressive of a ship at sea, and swimming.
What meant he by that strange convulsive motion?
That meant a ship, and that the briny ocean;
In action he's a very famous talker,
A dictionary quite—a perfect Walker.
[Exit Pug, L.
Long speeches from his paws with ease he sends,
In fact he's language at his fingers' ends.
[Music. Pug returns, continues action.
That roll and twist! The ship is nearer?
(Pug bows affirmatively, and rolls about pleased)
I'll lay one pound the vessel will lay-to,
I wish it may, for since I lost my wife,
I've led a very so-so sort of life!
With sentiment I don't wish much to trouble you,
But oh! she was a woman! Mrs. W.
[Pug expresses dissent.
'Tis true, she was a little of a dawdle,
And had a trifling spice of Mrs. Caudle.
Tho' just in confidence, don't talk about it,
Is there one woman in the world without it?
[Pug jabbers.
Hot tempers may for wedlock still be good,
Like “peppers and that sort of thing for food.”
[Pug runs out, and describes the position of the ship.
(Looks off.)
Ah! to the Loadstone Rock, too late diskivered.
There! Every sailor's got his timbers shiver'd!
To linger would betray great impropriety,
We'll form at once, Pug, “A Humane Society.”
Collect the drags and follow in a trice,
I'll be the president, and you the vice.
(To the burthen of which Pug tumbles.)
Pug, let us toddle now the fair's begun,
Before you say Jack Robinson the ship is done;
Her danger every moment palpably encreases
Like an actor I could mention, she will be in lots of pieces.
Hey go along!

[Exeunt, L.