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Scene I.

TALTHIBIUS, and CHORUS of old Trojans.
How long in Port the Greeks still wind-bound are!
When War they seek, or for their Homes prepare!

The Cause declare them and their Fleet detains,
What God it is that their Return restrains.


Amazement strikes my Soul; a trembling Cold
Palsies my Joynts. Prodigious Truths when told
Are hardly credited; yet these, these Eyes
Were Witnesses: And now the Sun's uprise
New gilt the Mountain tops, and Eastern Light
Had clearly vanquish'd the whole Hoast of Night;
When on a sudden the sore-shaken Ground,
Breath'd from its Centre a strange bellowing Sound:
Woods bow'd their Heads, the sacred Grove with loud
Cracks rung, like Thunder breaking through a Cloud;
Stones from cleft Ida's Quarries fell: Nor shook
The Earth alone; the Sea with Terrour strook,


Th'Approach of her Achilles felt, and laid
Her swelling Waves. Th'Earth yawning then display'd
Her immense Caves, and from the Depths of Night
Open'd a Passage to Ætherial Light:
The Tomb disburd'ning, whence the Ghost arose
Of great Achilles; Such when Thracian Foes
(The Prelude to thy Fates, Troy!) he o'erthrew,
And the white hair'd Neptunian Cycnus slew.
Or when in heat of Fight, with strenuous Force
Through Troops he charg'd, and stopp'd the Rivers Course


With slaughter'd Carcasses, while Xanthus Tide,
Seeking a Passage through, did slowly glide.
Or such when Victor trailing by the Heels
Hector and Troy, born on triumphant Wheels.
Then with this Voice of Anger fills the Coast:
Go, go, ye lingring Greeks, and rob our Ghost
Of its due Honours; weigh ingrateful! weigh
Your Anchors, through our Seas to make your way.
'Twas not with Trifles Greece did satisfie
Achilles Anger, nor a Price less high
Shall she now pay. Polyxena be wed
T'our Ashes; and her Blood let Pyrrhus shed.


This said, he shrouds himself in Night, and sinks
To Hell again: the Earth together shrinks,
Closing her gaping Clefts; the quiet Main
Becalmed lies; the Winds their Rage restrain,
The smooth Seas move with gentle Murmurings,
And Triton thence the Hymeneal sings.