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Junius Brutus

A Tragedy
Dramatis Personæ.

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Dramatis Personæ.


    Junius Brutus, Consul.

  • Mr. Mills.
  • Valerius Publicola, Consul.

  • Mr. Berry.
  • Titus, the Son of Brutus.

  • Mr. Milward.
  • Cælius, Ambassador from Porsenna, King of Tuscany.

  • Mr. W. Mills.
  • Messala, a Noble Roman, the Friend of Titus.

  • Mr. Theo. Cibber.
  • Silvius, Senator.

  • Mr. Winstone.
  • Rufus, Senator.

  • Mr. Turbutt.
  • Proculus, a Military Tribune.

  • Mr. Woodbourne.
  • Albinus, a Friend of Cælius.

  • Mr. Hewit.


    Lucia, the Daughter of Lucius Tarquinius, commonly call'd Tarquin the Proud, the deposed King of Rome.

  • Mrs. Heron.
  • Hortensia, her Confident.

  • Mrs. Pritchard.
  • Senators, Lictors, Guards, &c.

SCENE, The Palace of the Consuls at Rome.