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Goshen; the Time, Evening.
First and Second Israelite, and Chorus.
1st Israelite.
When shall our Labours and our Wrongs be past!
The Rising Sun beholds our Toils commenc'd,
The Setting comes, and sees them still unfinish'd.

2d Israelite.
O! that untroubled by deceitful Hopes
Content still sweeten'd Toil, and welcome Rest
Still crown'd our Evening when the Day was past!

Enter Moses.
Cease to repine, nor with ungrateful murmurs
Accuse the wise Benevolence of Heav'n.

1st Israelite.
'Tis not in Mortals to endure the Pains
That Rage now adds to Bondage, and be silent.

At early Dawn the lab'ring Hind
With rustic Song his Toil beguiles,
Who hopes at dusky Eve to find
In homely Cot domestic Smiles.
But he whose sad Reward is Pain,
Whom Sorrow meets at his Return,
Can ne'er the Load of Life sustain,
To hide his Anguish ne'er can learn.


Mark me; by me your Strength Jehovah speaks,
E'er yet To-morrow's Dawn shall tinge the Skies,
The Sons of Israel shall depart from Egypt.

2d Israelite.
If this were certain, all our Toils and Pains
Would in a Moment be, like Dreams, forgotten.

That this is certain, let the Signs attest,
Which he who speaks by me, by me has wrought.

By Doubts and Fears no more deprest,
To Hope we give the joyful Breast,
To Hope and all her smiling Train;
Great Nature's Lord, our Guard and Guide,
Our Hearts in Nature's Lord confide,
And Egypt's haughty Pow'r disdain.