University of Virginia Library

The Chariot.
Riding before it.
Fame that attends on Britaines Monarchy,
Thus revnited to one state againe,
Vshers this Chariot of true dignity,
Wherein seauen kings that did in England raigne,
These Royall vertues in their shields containe,
Expressing what great grace each Maiesty,
Gaue to the Marchant-Taylors Company
When they were first a Guilde, and bare the stile
Of Taylors, and of Armorers beside
Of the Linnen armorie: for no little while
Were they so knowne, and daily did prouide,
Those coats of armes that quaild our foe-mens pride
When Englands bent-Bow, and the gray-goos wing
Our many victories abroad did sing.
From this employment for the States defence,
Their ancient tytle first vnto them came,
and then their following care and dilligence,
Squarde them the way to order well and frame,
all meanes to keepe their Guilde in honest fame.
Now gratious vertues vnto you I leaue,
What further fortunes Time did them bequeath.

Edward the third, whose Noble name I beare,
Hearing the Loue and royall amity,

That good report gaue of them euery where,
Preseruing peace and kinde socitie,
In his first yeare vnto this Companie,
He gaue this Charter to confirme their Guilde:
And they inioyd it, as his Highnesse wilde.

To build this body on a stronger frame,
Richard the second gaue authoritie,
A Mayster and foure keepers they should name,
and full elect to sway their mysterie,
Granting them power to haue a Lyuerie,
and hold a Feast on saint Iohn Baptist day,
Yearelie for euer, as they do and may.

To fortifie a worke so well begun,
Henrie the fourth did liberally create:
(Beside the former fauours to them doone,)
Their Guilde a Brother-hood incorporate,
And thought it no disgrace to his high state,
To weare the Clothing of the Companie,
A most Maiestike royall courtesie.

Henry the fift my war-like Lord maintainde
His fathers loue to this socyetie,

Of my sixt Henry they as freely gainde,
all former graunts in self-same qualitie,
He wore their clothing, milde and graciously:
For Princes loose no part of dignity,
In beeing affable, it addes to Maiesty.

Thus long a Mayster and foure keepers stood,
Till my fourth Edward changde the keepers name
To Wardens: for the strength of Brother-hood,
And thus at first Mayster and Wardens came.

And for they traded, as no men did more,
With forren Realmes, by clothes and Merchandize,
Returning hither other Countries store,
Of what might best be our commodities,
Henry the seuenth a gracious king, and wise,
To Merchant-Taylors did exchange their name:
Since when, with credite they haue kept the same.

But sacred Lady, deigne me so much grace,
As tell me, why that seat is vnsupplied,
Being the most eminent and chiefest place,
With State, with Crowne and Scepter dignified?

Haue our discourses (Pheme) let thee know,
That seauen Kings haue borne free brethrens name,
Of this Societie, and may not time bestow
an eight, when Heauen shall so appoint the same?

I finde recorded in my Register,
Seauen Kings haue honord this Society:

Fourteene great Dukes did willingly prefer,
Their loue and kindnesse to this Company,
Threescore eight Lords declarde like amitie,
tearming themselues all brethren of this band,
The verie worthiest Lordes in all the Land.

Three Dukes, three Earles, foure Lords of Noble name
all in one yeare did ioyne in Brother-hood:

In the yeare 1390. Edward Duke of Yorke. Thomas,
Duke of Glocester. Henry Duke of Hereford
and Earle of Darby, vvho afterward vvas K. Henry
the fourth. Edvvard, Earle of Rutlande. Thomas
Earle of Warvvick. Iohn Holland, Earle of Huntingdon.
Iohn, Lord Ros. Rafe Lord Nevill. Thomas L.
Furniuall. Reignald, Lord Gray of Rithin.

I finde beside great Lords from France there came
To hold like league, and do them any good:

Gaylard, Lord Danuers. Barard, Lord Delamote,
Barard, Lord Montferrant, &c.

Yet no imbasing to their heigth in bloud:
For they accounted honor then most hie,
When it was held vp by communitie.
Of Bishops, Knights and Deanes, to those before,
(Not spoke in vaunt, or any spirit of pride)
My Records could affoord as many more,
All Brethren, Marchant-Taylors signified
That liu'de in loue with them, and when they dide
Left me their names, to after times to tell,
Thus then they did, and thought it good and well.

on the Lyon.
My borrowed name of Neptune now I leaue,
the like doth Amphitrita my faire Queene,
And worthy Lord, grant fauour to receiue
What in these mysteries we seeme to meane,
Britanniaes glorie hath beene heard and seene,
Reuiu'de from her old Chaos of distresse,
and now vnited in firme happinesse.
Blest be that second Brute, Iames our dread king,
that set this wreath of Vnion on her head,
Whose verie name did heauenlie comfort bring,
When in despaire our hopes lay drooping dead,
When comfort from most harts was gon and fled,
Immediatlie the trumpets toong did say,
God saue king Iames: Oh twas a happie daie.

Ovr latest Phænix whose dead cinders shine,
In Angels spheres, she, like a mother milde,
yeelding to Nature, did her right resigne
To times true heyre, her God-son, and lou'de childe,
When giddy expectation was be guilde:
And Scotland yeelded out of Teudors race,
a true borne bud, to sit in Teudors place.
Which seat to him and his, heauen euer blesse,
that we nere want a Rose of Teudors tree,
to maintaine Britaines future happinesse,
to the worldes end in true tranquilitie.

Sir Leonard Holiday, now vnto thee,
My loue in some meane measure let me shew,
Since heauen hath cald thee to this dignity,
Which (then my selfe) farre better thou doest know,
I make no doubt thou wilt thy time bestow,
As fits so great a Subiects place as this,
To gouerne iustlie, and amend each misse.
Bethink thee how on that high Holyday,
Which beares Gods Champion, th'Arch-angels name,
When conquering Sathan in a glorious fray,
Michaell Hels-monster nobly ouercame,
And now a sacred Saboath being the same,
A free and full election on all parts,
Made choise of thee, both with their hands and harts.
Albeit this day is vsuall euery yeare,
For new election of a Magistrate,
Yet, now to me some instance doth appeare,
Worth note, which to my selfe I thus relate,
Holyday, cald on Holyday to state,
Requiers methinks a yeare of Holydayes,
To be disposd in good and vertuous wayes.
For I account tis a Lords Holyday,
When Iustice shines in perfect Maiesty,
When as the poor can to the rich man say,
The Maiestrate hath giuen vs equity,
And lent no eare to partiality,
When sinne is punisht, lewdnes beares no sway:
All that day long, each day is Holyday.

When good prouision for the poore is made,
Sloth set to labour, vice curbd euery where,
When through the Citty euery honest trade,
Stands not of might or insolence in feare,
But Iustice in their goodnesse does them beare:
then, as before, in safety I may saie:
All that yeare long, each daie is Holliday.
Now in behalfe of that Societie,
Whereof thou bear'st a louing brothers name,
What hath bin doon this day to dignifie,
they pray thee kindly to accept the same,
More circumstance I shall not need to frame:
But from the Marchant-Taylors this I say,
They wish all good to Leonard Holliday.