University of Virginia Library


O thou Mynde, remembyr the!
Turne þi weys, þou gost amyse.
Se what þi ende ys, þou myght not fle:
Dethe to euery creature certen ys.


They þat lyue well, þey xall haue blys;
Thay þat endyn yll, þey goo to hell.
I am Wysdom, sent to tell yow thys:
Se in what stat þou doyst indwell.

To my mynde yt cummyth from farre
That dowtles man xall dey.
Ande thes weys we go, we erre.
Wndyrstondynge, wat do ye sey?

I sey, man, holde forthe þi wey!
The lyff we lede ys sekyr ynowe.
I wyll no wndyrstondynge xall lett my pley.
Wyll, frende, how seyst thowe?

I wyll not thynke þeron, to Gode avowe!
We be yit but tender of age.
Schulde we leve þis lyue? Ya, whowe?
We may amende wen we be sage.

Thus many on vnabylythe hym to grace.
They wyll not loke, but slumber and wynke.
Þey take not drede before þer face,
Howe horryble þer synnys stynke.
Wen they be on þe pyttys brynke,
Than xall þey trymbull and qwake for drede.
Yit Mynde, I sey, yow bethynke
In what perell ye be now! Take hede!
Se howe ye haue dysvyguryde yowr soule!
Beholde yowrselff; loke veryly in mynde!

Here ANIMA apperythe in þe most horrybull wyse, fowlere þan a fende.
Out! I tremble for drede, by Sent Powle!
Thys ys fowler þan ony fende.

Wy art þou creature so onkynde,
Thus to defoule Godys own place,
Þat was made so gloryus wythowt ende?
Thou hast made þe Deullys rechace.


As many dedly synnys as ye haue vsyde,
So many deullys in yowr soule be.
Beholde wat ys þerin reclusyde!
Alas, man, of þi Soule haue pyte!

Here rennyt owt from wndyr þe horrybyll mantyll of þe SOULL seven small boys in þe lyknes of dewyllys and so retorne ageyn.
What haue I do? why lowyste þou not me?
Why cherysyste þi enmye? why hatyst þou þi frende?
Myght I haue don ony more for þe?
But loue may brynge drede to mynde.
Þou hast made the a bronde of hell
Whom I made þe ymage of lyght.
Yff þe Deull myght, he wolde þe qwell,
But þat mercy expellyt hys myght.
Wy doyst þou, Soule, me all dyspyght?
Why yewyst þou myn enmy þat I haue wrought?
Why werkyst þou hys consell? by myn settys lyght?
Why hatyst þou vertu? why louyst þat ys nought?

A, lorde! now I brynge to mynde
My horryble synnys and myn offens,
I se how I haue defowlyde þe noble kynde
Þat was lyke to þe by intellygens.
Wndyrstondynge, I schew to your presens
Owr lyff wyche þat ys most synfull.
Sek yow remedye, do yowr dylygens
To clense þe Soull wyche ys þis fowll.

Be yow, Mynde, I haue very knowenge
That grettly Gode we haue offendyde,
Endles peyn worthyi be owr dysyrvynge,
Wyche be owrselff neuer may be amendyde


Wythowt Gode, in whom all ys comprehendyde.
Therfor to hym let vs resort.
He lefte vp them þat be descendyde.
He ys resurreccyon and lywe; to hem, Wyll, resort.

My wyll was full yowe to syne,
By wyche þe Soule ys so abhomynable.
I wyll retorne to Gode and new begynne
Ande in hym gronde my wyll stable,
Þat of hys mercy he wyll me able
To haue þe yiffte of hys specyall grace,
How hys seke Soule may be recurable
At þe jugment before hys face.

Than wyth yow thre þe Soule dothe crye,
‘Mercy, Gode!’ Why change I nowte,
I þat thus horryble in synne lye,
Sythe Mynde, Wyll, and Wndyrstondynge be brought
To haue knowynge þey ill wrought?
What ys þat xall make me clene?
Put yt, Lorde, into my thowte!
Thi olde mercy let me remene.

Thow þe Soule mynde take
Ande wndyrstondynge of hys synnys allwey,
Beynge in wyll, yt forsake,
Yit thes do not only synnys awey,
But very contrycyon, who þat haue may,
Þat ys purger and clenser of synne.
A tere of þe ey, wyth sorow veray,
Þat rubbyt and waschyt þe Soule wythin.
All þe penance þat may be wrought,
Ne all þe preyer þat seyde be kan,
Wythowt sorowe of hert relesyt nought;
That in especyall reformyth man
Ande makyt hym as clene as when he begane.
Go seke þis medsyne, Soull! þat beseke


Wyth veray feythe, and be ye sekyr than
The vengeaunce of Gode ys made full meke.
By wndyrstondynge haue very contrycyon,
Wyth mynde of your synne confessyon make,
Wyth wyll yeldynge du satysfaccyon;
Þan yowr soule be clene, I wndyrtake.

I wepe for sorow, Lorde! I begyn awake,
I that þis longe hath slumberyde in syne.

Hic recedunt demones.
Lo, how contrycyon avoydyth þe deullys blake!
Dedly synne ys non yow wythin.
For Gode ye haue offendyde hyghly
Ande yowr modyr, Holy Chyrche so mylde,
Þerfor Gode ye must aske mercy,
By Holy Chyrch to be reconsylyde,
Trustynge verely ye xall neuer be revylyde
Yff ye haue yowr charter of pardon by confessyon.
Now haue ye foryeffnes þat were fylyde.
Go prey yowr modyr Chyrche of her proteccyon.

O Fadyr of mercy ande of comfort,
Wyth wepynge ey and hert contryte
To owr modyr, Holy Chyrche, I wyll resort,
My lyff pleyn schewenge to here syght.
Wyth Mynde, Vndyrstondynge, and Wyll ryght,
Wyche of my Sowll þe partyes be,
To þe domys of þe Chyrche we xall vs dyght,
Wyth veray contricyon thus compleynnyng we.

Here þey go owt, and in þe goynge þe SOULE syngyth in þe most lamentabull wyse, wyth drawte notys as yt ys songyn in þe passyon wyke:

Magna velud mare contricio, contricio tua: quis consoletur
tui? Plorans plorauit in nocte, et lacrime ejus in maxillis ejus.


Thus seth Gode mankynde tyll
The nyne poyntys ples hym all other before.
‘Gyff a peny in thy lyve wyth goode wyll
To þe pore, and þat plesythe Gode more
Þan mowyntenys into golde tramposyde wore
Ande aftyr thy dethe for the dysposyde.’
Ande all þe goodys þou hast in store
Xulde not profyght so moche wan þi body ys closyde.
The secunde poynt, Gode sethe thus:
‘Wepe on tere for my loue hertyly,
Or for þe passyon of me, Jhesus,
Ande þat plesyt me more specyally
Than yff þou wepte for þi frendys or goodys worldly
As moche water as þe se conteynys.’
Lo, contrycyon ys a soueren remedy.
That dystroythe synnys, þat relessyt peynys.
The thyrde, Gode sethe: ‘Suffyr pacyenly for my loue
Off þi neybure a worde of repreve,
Ande þat to mercy mor dothe me move
Than þou dyscyplynyde þi body wyth peynys grewe
Wyth as many roddys as myght grow or þrywe
In þe space of a days jornye.’
Lo, who suffyryth most for Gode ys most lewe,
Slandyr, repreve, ony aduersyte.
The fourte, Gode sethe: ‘Wake on owyr for þe loue of me,
And þat to me ys more plesaunce
Than yff þou sent twelve kyngys free
To my sepulkyr wyth grett puysschaunce
For my dethe to take vengeaunce.’
Lo, wakynge ys a holy thynge.
Þer yt ys hade wyth goode vsance,
Many gracys of yt doth sprynge.
The fyfte, Gode sethe: ‘Haue pyte and compassyon
Off þi neybur wyche ys seke and nedy,


And þat to me ys more dylectacyon
Than þou fastyde forty yer by and by,
Thre days in þe weke, as streytly
As þou cowdys in water and brede.’
Lo, pyte Gode plesyth grettly,
Ande yt ys a vertu soueren, as clerkys rede.
The sixte, Gode seth on þis wyse:
‘Refreyn thy speche for my reuerens,
Lett not thy tonge thy evyn-Crysten dyspyse,
Ande þan plesyst þou more myn excellens
Than yff þou laberyde wyth grett dylygens
Wpon thy nakyde feet and bare
Tyll þe blode folwude for peyn and vyolens
Ande aftyr eche stepe yt sene were.’
The sevente, Cryst seth in þis maner:
‘Thy neybur to ewyll ne sterre not thou,
But all thynge torne into wertu chere,
And than more plesyst þou me now
Then yf a thowsende tymys þou renne thorow
A busche of thornys þat scharpe were
Tyll þi nakyde body were all rough
Ande evyn rent to þe bonys bare.’
The eyghte, Gode sethe þis man tyll:
‘Oftyn pray and aske of me,
Ande þat plesythe me more onto my wyll
Than yf my modyr and all sentys preyde for þe.’
The nynte, Gode sethe: ‘Lowe me souerenly,
Ande þat to me more plesant ys
Than yf þou went wpon a pyler of tre
Þat wer sett full of scharpe prykkys
So þat þou cut þi flesche into þe smale partys.’
Lo, Gode ys plesyde more wyth þe dedys of charyte
Than all þe peynys man may suffer iwys.
Remembyr thes poyntys, man, in þi felycite!


Here entrethe ANIMA, wyth þe Fyve Wyttys goynge before, MYNDE on þe on syde and WNDYRSTONDYNGE on þe other syde and WYLL folowyng, all in here fyrst clothynge, her chapplettys and crestys, and all hauyng on crownys, syngynge in here commynge in: ‘Quid retribuam Domino pro omnibus que retribuit mihi? Calicem salutaris accipiam et nomen Domini inuocabo.’
O meke Jhesu, to þe I crye!
O swet Jhesu, my delectacyon!
O Jhesu, þe sune of Vyrgyne Marye,
Full of mercy and compassyon!
My soule ys waschede be thy passyon
Fro þe synnys cummynge by sensualyte.
A, be the I haue a new resurreccyon.
The lyght of grace I fele in me.
In tweyn myghtys of my soule I the offendyde:
The on by my inwarde wyttys, thow ben gostly;
Þe other by my outwarde wyttys comprehendyde,
Tho be þe fyve wyttys bodyly;
Wyth þe wyche tweyn myghtys mercy I crye.
My modyr, Holy Chyrche, hath yowe me grace,
Whom ye fyrst toke to yowr mercy,
Yet of myselff I may not satysfye my trespas.
Magna est misericordia tua!
Wyth full feyth of foryewenes to þe, Lorde, I come.

Vulnerasti cor meum, soror mea, sponsa,
In vno ictu oculorum tuorum.
Ye haue wondyde my hert, syster, spowse dere,
In þe tweyn syghtys of yowr ey:
By þe recognycyon ye haue clere,
Ande by þe hye lowe ye haue godly.
It perrysschyt my hert to here yow crye,
Now ye haue forsake synne and be contryte.
Ye were neuer so leve to me verelye.
Now be ye reformyde to yowr bewtys bryght.


Ande ther yowr fyve wyttys offendyde has,
Ande to mak asythe be impotent,
My fyve wyttys, þat neuer dyde trespas,
Hathe made asythe to þe Father suffycyent.
Wyth my syght I se þe people vyolent,
I herde hem vengeaunce onto me call,
I smelte þe stenche of caren here present,
I tastyde þe drynke mengylde wyth gall,
By towchynge I felte peyns smerte.
My handys sprede abrode to halse þi swyre;
My fete naylyde to abyde wyth þe, swet herte;
My hert clowyn for þi loue most dere;
Myn hede bowhede down to kys þe here;
My body full of holys, as a dovehows.
In thys ye be reformyde, Soule, my plesere,
Ande now ye be þe very temple of Jhesus.
Fyrst ye were reformyde by baptyme of ygnorans
And clensyde from þe synnys orygynall,
Ande now ye be reformyde by þe sakyrment of penance
Ande clensyde from þe synnys actuall.
Now ye be fayrest, Crystys own specyall;
Dysfygure yow neuer to þe lyknes of þe fende.
Now ye haue receyuyde þe crownnys victoryall
To regne in blys wythowtyn ende.

Haue mynde, Soule, wat Gode hath do,
Reformyde yow in feyth veryly.
Nolite conformari huic seculo
Sed reformamini in nouitate spiritus sensus vestri:
Conforme yow not to þis pompyus glory
But reforme in gostly felynge.
Ye þat were dammyde by synn endelesly,
Mercy hathe reformyde yow ande crownyde as a kynge.

Take vndyrstondynge, Soule, now ye
Wyth contynuall hope in Godys behest.


Renouamini spiritu mentis vestre
Et induite nouum hominem, qui secundum Deum creatus est:
Ye be reformyde in felynge, not only as a best,
But also in þe ouer parte of yowr reasun,
Be wyche ye haue lyknes of Gode mest
Ande of þat mercyfull very congnycyon.

Now þe Soule yn charyte reformyde ys,
Wyche charyte ys Gode verely.
Exspoliantem veterem hominem cum actibus suis:
Spoyll yow of yowr olde synnys and foly
Ande be renuyde in Godys knowynge ageyn,
That enduyde wyth grace so specyally,
Conseruynge in peyn, euer in blys for to reyn.

Then wyth yow thre I may sey this
Of Owr Lorde, soueren person, Jhesus:
Suavis est Dominus vniuersis,
Et miseraciones ejus super omnia opera ejus.
O thou hye soueren Wysdam, my joy, Cristus,
Hewyn, erthe, and eche creature
Yelde yow reuerens, for grace pleyntuus
Ye yeff to man, euer to induyr.
Now wyth Sent Powle we may sey thus
Þat be reformyde thorow feythe in Jhesum:
We haue peas and acorde betwyx Gode and ws,
Justificati ex fide pacem habemus ad Deum.
Now to Salamonys conclusyon I com:
Timor Domini inicium sapiencie.
Vobis qui timetis Deum
Orietur sol justicie:
The tru son of ryghtusnes,
Wyche þat ys Owr Lorde Jhesu,
Xall sprynge in hem þat drede hys meknes.
Nowe ye mut euery soule renewe


In grace, and vycys to eschew,
Ande so to ende wyth perfeccyon.
That þe doctryne of Wysdom we may sew,
Sapiencia Patris, grawnt þat for hys passyon!