The Rivall Friends A Comoedie |
Prologue. Vpon occasion of their Maiesties comming being deferr'd.
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The Rivall Friends | ||
Prologue. Vpon occasion of their Maiesties comming being deferr'd.
Most sacred Majesties, if yee doe wonder,To be saluted by an aged Prologue,
Know that upon these temples I doe weare
An Embleme of our Mothers fate, who since
Shee has in expectation of your presence
Numbred the tedious moments, is growne old:
For each expecting minute that has pass'd
Has seem'd an hower, and every hower a yeare.
But will yee see what power yee retaine?
Wee by your presence are made young againe.
He pulls off his head of haire and beard.
The Rivall Friends | ||