University of Virginia Library

Scæna Secunda.

Enter Floriz.
Still blow'st thou there? and from all other parts,
Do all my Agents sleepe? that nothing comes?
Ther's a conspiracy of windes, and servants:
If not of Elements, to ha' me breake;
What should I thinke unlesse the Seas, and Sandes
Had swallow'd up my ships? or fire had spoyl'd
My ware-house? or death devour'd my Facto
I must ha' had some returnes;

Enter Merchants.
1. Mer.
'Saue you Sir.

'Save you.

1. Mer.
No newes, yet 'o your Ships?

Not any yet Sir.

1. Mer.
'Tis strange.

'Tis true Sir: what a voyce was here now?
This was one passing bell, a thousand ravens
Sung in that man now, to presage my ruines.

2. Mer.
Goswin, good day, these winds, are very constant.

They are so Sir; to hurt—

2. Mer.
Ha? you had no letters,
Lately from England, nor from Denmark?


2. Mer.
This winde brings them; nor no newes over land,
Through Spaine, from the Straights?

Not any.

2. Mer.
I am sorry Sir.

They talke me downe: and as 'tis said, of Vultures
They sent a feild fought, and do smell the carkasses
By many hundred miles: So do these, my wracks
At greater distances: why thy will heaven
Come on, and be: yet if thou please, preserve me;
But in my owne adventure, here at home,
Of my chast love, to keep me worthy of her,
It shall be put in scale against all ill fortunes:
I am not broken yet: nor should I fall,
Me thinkes with lesse then that, that ruines all.
